A markdown extension for nunjucks
A nunjuck extension that adds a markdown tag. This plugin allows you to choose your own markdown renderer.
npm install nunjucks-markdown --save
Register the extension with nunjucks
var nunjucks = require('nunjucks'),
markdown = require('nunjucks-markdown'),
marked = require('marked');
var env = nunjucks.configure('views');
// The second argument can be any function that renders markdown
markdown.register(env, marked);
Add markdown to your templates
{% markdown %}
Hello World
# Do stuff
{% endmarkdown %}
You can also provide the markdown tag with a template to render
{% markdown "" %}
Note: This method doesn't require a closing tag
As you would expect, you can add tags inside your markdown tag
{% markdown %}
{% include '' %}
{% include '' %}
{% endmarkdown %}
Using with Gulp
Gulp requires a little more explicit settings than standard npm. See
see example-gulpefile.js based on
var nunjucks = require('nunjucks'),
markdown = require('nunjucks-markdown'),
marked = require('marked'),
gulpnunjucks = require('gulp-nunjucks');
var templates = 'src/templates'; //Set this as the folder that contains your nunjuck files
var env = new nunjucks.Environment(new nunjucks.FileSystemLoader(templates));
// The second argument can be any function that renders markdown
markdown.register(env, marked);
gulp.task('pages', function() {
// Gets .html files. see file layout at bottom
return gulp.src([templates + '/*.html', templates + '/**/*.html'])
// Renders template with nunjucks and marked
.pipe(gulpnunjucks.compile("", {env: env}))
// output files in dist folder
Markdown Options
Nunjucks-markdown doesn't require you to use any particular markdown renderer. If you were to use marked here's a good example of how it could be configured.
var marked = require('marked');
renderer: new marked.Renderer(),
gfm: true,
tables: true,
breaks: false,
pendantic: false,
sanitize: true,
smartLists: true,
smartypants: false
markdown.register(env, marked);
For more information configuration options, checkout marked.