A simple library to handle numbers in javascript
#A library to handle numbers & number formats in javascript
Still a work in progress, please be patient :)
Dist ready
Check the compiled javascripts in the dist directory if you do not want to compile coffeescript by yourself
Build from sources
You will need a nodejs runtime, grunt-cli for code generation and codo if you want to generate HTML docs
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g codo
Build project into dist/ directory
git clone [email protected]:sixpounder/numberphilejs.git
npm install && grunt
Numbers manipulation
Following examples are for browser-side use.
Number parsing
N(6000).val() // -> 6000
N("6000,").val() // -> 6000
N("6000,45").val() // -> 6000.45
N("6.000,45").val() // -> 6000.45
Chainable operations
N(6000).add(2000).val() // -> 8000
N(6000).add(2000).add("1,5").val() // -> 8001.5
N("6000,").subtract(2000).val() // -> 4000
N("6000,45").multiply(2).val() // -> 12000.9
N("6.000").divide('2').val() // -> 3000
N(6000).val('currency'); // -> 6.000,00
N(6000.2).val('currency'); // -> 6.000,20
For node environment you will find NumberphileReactor class and N wrapper function in your exports
var NumberphileReactor = require('numberphilejs').NumberphileReactor
var N = require('numberphilejs').N
jQuery plugin
To easily integrate the library in your DOM we ship an integrated jQuery plugin. The plugin will be triggered for every item having data-numberphile="auto" attribute.
<input data-numberphile="auto" data-format="currency" value="123"/>
This approach will use data attributes to configure the plugin
<input data-numberphile="auto" data-currencyMaxDecimalDigits="2" data-format="currency" value="123"/>
You can still call it yourself
autowire: true, // Automatic binding for DOM events
currencyMaxDecimalDigits: 2,
currencyDecimalSeparator: ',',
currencyThoudandsSeparator: '.'
jQuery utilities
A simple jQuery plugin to trigger increment step on various elements.
The plugin is automatically activated on every element having role="counter-trigger" attribute, and using data attributes for configuration.
To trigger it manually:
step: 1,
target: 'input.steppable'
The target attribute is a selector identifying the DOM elements for which the value must be changed when the element you're calling the plugin on gets clicked
<input type="text" class="steppable" value="0" />
<button role="couter-trigger" data-target=".steppable" data-step="1"></button>