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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Test your Suitescripts before deploying to NetSuite




nsmockup NPM version

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Test your Suitescripts before deploying to NetSuite.

nsmockup is a tool to create NetSuite Suite Scripts unit tests.

You can test your code before deploy it to your NetSuite account. Do you develop NetSuite Suite Scripts? Well, then you know how complicated is to test your code! You need to upload it, configure your script, start the debbuger and, maybe, you can test that!

This further complicates in larger projects, where you reuse your code in several Suite Scripts.

To improve our development process SuitePlus idealized the nsmockup, so developers can:

  • Simulate NetSuite environment locally.
  • Create automated tests for your projects in a controlled environment.


  • node.js 4+

Install Dependency Status devDependency Status

    npm install nsmockup --save-dev


nsmockup.init(opt, cb)

| Param | Type |Description | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------| | | string | Define company of the current NetSuite user. Default NSMOCKUPVxxx.| | | number | Define the ID of the current NetSuite user. Default -4 for anonymous. Default null. | | opt.current.user.type | string | Define the type of the current NetSuite user, see options: "employee", "customer", "vendor" or "partner". Default "entity" | | opt.general.currency | string | Set currency. Default $.| | opt.general.dateFormat | string | Global Preferences: dateformat, default "MM/DD/YYYY". | | opt.general.numberFormat.decimal | string | Set decimal format. Default ".".| | opt.general.numberFormat.precision | string | Set number format precision. Default 2.| | opt.general.numberFormat.thousand | string | Set thousand format. Default ",".| | opt.general.timeFormat | string | Global Preferences: timeFormat, default "hh:mm A". | | opt.general.lang | string | Global Preferences: lang, default "en". | | opt.metadata | [string] | List of Records Types Metadata, generate that with ns-export. | | opt.records | [string] | Data list of Records, generate that with ns-export. | | opt.server | boolean | Set true and start server on port 3030. Used for Suitelet and RESTlet simulations. | | cb | function | Callback Function. |

var opt = {
    records: {
        "customrecord_my-record": __dirname + '/data/customrecord_my-record.json'
    metadata: [
        __dirname + '/meta/metaData-customrecord_my-record.json'
    server: true
nsmockup.init(opt, function(err) {
    if (err) console.log('ERROR', err);
    else console.log('start Netsuite API simulation')

nsmockup.createSuitelet(cfg, cb)

| Param | Type |Description | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------| | | string | Custom ID of Suitelet. | | | string | Name of Suitelet. | | cfg.function | string | Defines the function that should be called from the selected script file. | | cfg.files | [string] | Path to JavaScripts files that contains your implementation. | | cfg.params | object | Default parameters to run your implementation. | | cb | function | Callback Function sent ctx (type: object) - the context and exec (type: function) invoke your code in side the context. |

        id: 'my_suitelet',
        name: 'My Suitelet',
        function: 'MySuitelet.main',
        files: [
            __dirname + '/lib/my-suitelet.js'
    }, (ctx, exec) => {
        // verify if function 'MySuitelet' was loaded
        if (!ctx.MySuitelet) throw 'not found MySuitelet'

        // invoke my RESTlet
        let url = nlapiResolveURL('SUTELET', 'my_suitelet'),
          res = nlapiRequestURL(url + 'message=hi');

        if (res.getBody() === 'hello') {
         console.log('Finish Suitelet');

nsmockup.createRESTlet(cfg, cb)

| Param | Type |Description | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------| | | string | Custom ID of RESTlet. | | | string | Name of RESTlet. | | cfg.functions.get | string | Sets the script function that should execute as the HTTP GET method. | | | string | Sets the script function that should execute as the HTTP POST method. | | cfg.functions.put | string | Sets the script function that should execute as the HTTP PUT method. | | cfg.functions.delete | string | Sets the script function that should execute as the HTTP DELETE method. | | cfg.files | [string] | Path to JavaScripts files that contains your implementation. | | cfg.params | object | Default parameters to run your implementation. | | cb | function | Callback Function sent ctx (type: object) - the context and exec (type: function) invoke your code in side the context. |

        id: 'my_restlet',
        name: 'My RESTlet',
        functions: {
            get: 'MyRestlet.get',
            post: ''
        files: [
            __drname + '/lib/my-restlet.js'
    }, (ctx, exec) => {
         // verify if function 'MyRestlet' was loaded
         if (!ctx.MyRestlet) throw 'not found MyRestlet'

         // invoke my RESTlet
         let url = nlapiResolveURL('RESTLET', 'my_restlet'),
             res = nlapiRequestURL(url, {message: 'live?'}, null, 'POST');

         if (res.getBody() === 'yeap!') {
            console.log('Finish RESTlet');

nsmockup.createSchedule(cfg, cb)

| Param | Type |Description | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------| | | string | Custom ID of Schedule. | | | string | Name of Schedule. | | cfg.function | string | Defines the function that should be called from the selected script file. | | cfg.files | [string] | Path to JavaScripts files that contains your implementation. | | cfg.params | object | Default parameters to run your implementation. | | cfg.exec | boolean | If true, nsmockup will run de ScheduleScript before the callback function was called. | | cb | function | Callback Function sent ctx (type: object) - the context and exec (type: function) invoke your code in side the context. |

        id: 'my_schedule',
        name: 'My Schedule',
        function: 'MySchedule.main',
        files: [
            __dirname + '/lib/my-schedule.js'
        exec: false
    }, (ctx, exec) => {
        // verify if function 'MySchedule' was loaded
        if (!ctx.MySchedule) throw 'not found MySchedule'
        // execute 'MyOtherFunc.getJapo'
        // you can execute any function present in file '/lib/my-schedule.js'
        let japo = exec('MyOtherFunc.getJapo');

        if (japo.verifyFinishSchedule()) {
            console.log('Finished Schedule');

nsmockup.createUserEvent(cfg, cb)

| Param | Type |Description | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------| | | string | Custom ID of User Event. | | | string | Name of User Event. | | cfg.functions.beforeLoad | string | Sets the script function that should execute whenever a read operation on a record occurs. | | cfg.functions.beforeSubmit | string | Sets the function that should execute before the associated record is submitted | | cfg.functions.afterSubmit | string | Sets the function that should execute after the associated record is submitted. | | cfg.files | [string] | Path to JavaScripts files that contains your implementation. | | cfg.params | object | Default parameters to run your implementation. | | cfg.records | [string] | Apply this event in this records. | | cb | function | Callback Function sent ctx (type: object) - the context and exec (type: function) invoke your code in side the context. |

        id: 'my_user-event',
        name: 'My User Event',
        functions: {
            beforeLoad: 'MyUserEvent.beforeLoad',
            beforeSubmit: 'MyUserEvent.beforeSubmit',
            afterSubmit: 'MyUserEvent.afterSubmit',
        files: [
            __dirname + '/lib/my-user-event.js'
        record: 'customer'
    }, (ctx, exec) => {
        // verify if function 'MyUserEvent' was loaded
        if (!ctx.MyUserEvent) throw 'not found MySchedule'
        var should = require('should')

        let record = nlapiLoadRecord('customer', 219);
        record.setFieldValue('name', 'Muito Legal');


        let context = ctx.nlapiGetContext();

        let beforeLoadType = context.getSessionObject('before-load-type');

        let beforeSubmitType = context.getSessionObject('before-submit-type');

        let afterSubmitType = context.getSessionObject('after-submit-type');


| Param | Type |Description | | ------ | ------------------- | ------------| | cb | function | Callback Function. |

    nsmockup.destroy(function(err) {
        if (err) console.log('ERROR', err);
        else console.log('finish Netsuite API simulation')

Example with Mocha

'use strict';
var nsmockup = require('nsmockup');
describe('<Unit Test - Netsuite API Simulation>', function () {

    before(function (done) {
        // map record types
        let metadata = [
                __dirname + '/record/meta/recordType-metaData-codeg.json',
                __dirname + '/record/meta/recordType-metaData-codeg_ids.json'
            records = {
                'customrecord_codeg': __dirname + '/record/data/recordType-codeg.json',
                'customrecord_codeg_ids': __dirname + '/record/data/recordType-codeg_ids.json'

        // start database simulation
        nsmockup.init({records, metadata, server: true}, done);

    it('simple load lib and execute function', function (done) {
            name: 'my_restlet',
            functions: {
                get: 'MyRestlet.get',
                post: ''
            files: [
                __dirname + '/lib/my-restlet.js'
        }, (ctx, exec) => {
             // verify if function 'MyRestlet' was loaded
             if (!ctx.MyRestlet) throw 'not found MyRestlet'

             // invoke my RESTlet
             let url = nlapiResolveURL('RESTLET', 'my_restlet'),
                 res = nlapiRequestURL(url, {message: 'live?'}, null, 'POST');

             if (res && res.getBody() === 'yeap!') {
                console.log('Finish RESTlet');
             } else {
                throw new Error('invalid result');

    after(function (done) {