Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript.
:space_invader: custom React Native Template TypeScript for nhuson269
Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript.
:star: Features
- Elegant usage directly within the React Native CLI
- Consistent with the default React Native template
- Minimal additional dependencies
- Build basic authentication flow
- Manage status by Zustand
- Integrated default color theme management
- Default integration of multi-language management
- Firebase integration (analytics, crashlytics, messaging)
- v.v
Tech Stack
Ignite apps include the following rock-solid technical decisions out of the box:
- React Native
- React Navigation 6
- [Zustand] (https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand)
- TypeScript
- react-native-mmkv (~30x faster than AsyncStorage!)
- apisauce (to talk to REST servers)
- i18next, react-i18next
- @react-native-firebase (https://rnfb-docs.netlify.app/)
- react-native-vector-icons
- Flipper-ready
- And more!
:arrow_forward: Usage
npx react-native init MyApp --template ns-rn-template
:warning: React Native CLI
This template only works with the new CLI. Make sure you have uninstalled the legacy react-native-cli
first (npm uninstall -g react-native-cli
) for the below command to work. If you wish to not use npx
, you can also install the new CLI globally (npm i -g @react-native-community/cli
or yarn global add @react-native-community/cli
If you tried the above and still get the react-native-template-react- native-template-typescript: Not found error, please try adding the --ignore-existing
flag to force npx to ignore any locally installed versions of the CLI and use the latest.
Further information can be found here: https://github.com/react-native-community/cli#about
:computer: Contributing
Contributions are very welcome. Please check out the contributing document.
:bookmark: License
This project is MIT licensed.