Fuzzy search npm package with fzf
Fuzzy search npm modules with
, short-named npf
, provides fuzzy search for some most commonly used npm commands with fzf
, i.e. npm ls
, npm search
, npm run
, creating a more fulfilling develop experience with npm
Must: npf
requires Node 8 for runtime or above.
Highly Recommended: fzf
is used heavily by npf
. If fzf
is not installed, npf
will default to a much less capable sibling, node-fzf
- fzf
's implementation in Node.
$ npm install -g npm-fzf
Usage: npf [options] [command]
Fuzzy search npm modules with fzf
-v, --version output the version number
-d, --details include details to each dependency, but disable the fuzzy mode
-P, --no-preview disable the default fzf preview mode
-F, --no-fuzzy disable the default fuzzy mode and resort to stdout
-h, --help output usage information
list|ls [options] npm list with fzf
info [module] npm info with fzf
run npm run with fzf
search <module...> npm search with fzf
npf search
Usage: search [options] <module...>
npm search with fzf
-h, --help output usage information
npf search <module...>, fuzzy search for npm modules with preview
npf search <module...> --no-preview, fuzzy search for npm modules without preview
npf search <module...> --no-fuzzy, plain search for npm modules
$ npf search express
$ npf search express react
npf list
Usage: list|ls [options]
npm list with fzf
-l, --local list local dependencies, which is also the default feature
-g, --global list global modules
-t, --time show the latest global installs
-h, --help output usage information
npf ls, a fzf list with preview of local dependencies
npf ls -t, a fzf list of latest global installs
npf ls -t --no-fuzzy, a normal list of latest global installs
npf ls -g --no-preview, a fuzzy list with no preview of global installs
npf ls -g --details, a normal, detailed list of global installs
Local dependencies
$ npf ls
Global modules
$ npf ls -g
Recent global installs
A quick refresher on what the heck it's installed/upgraded globally in the recent past
$ npf ls -t
Turn off preview mode
Preview mode uses fzf --preview
underneath and is turned on in most cases by default. You can also opt for --no-preview
to turn off the default preview mode.
$ npf ls -t --no-preview
$ npf ls -g --no-preview
$ npf ls -l --no-preview
Turn off fuzzy mode
Fuzzy mode is by default on. You can also opt for --no-fuzzy
to turn it off.
$ npf ls -t --no-fuzzy
$ npf ls -g --no-fuzzy
Details flag
Applied to both local dependencies and global installs
$ npf ls --details
$ npf ls -g --details
npf run
Usage: run [options]
npm run with fzf
-h, --help output usage information
npf run, execute npm scripts with fzf
npf run --no-fuzzy, execute npm scripts without fzf
$ npf run
npf info
Usage: info [options] [module]
npm info with fzf
-h, --help output usage information
npf info [module], a fuzzy list with preview of a module's dependencies fetched from NPM registry
npf info [module] --no-preview, a fuzzy list of a module's dependencies fetched from NPM registry
npf info [module] --no-fuzzy, a list of a module's dependencies fetched from NPM registry
npf info
fetches the module's latest version by default, unless a version is specified.
It defaults to the current folder if no argument provided.
$ npf info npm-fzf
uses npmlist
's API for getting modules' dependencies. npf
itself does not expose any API.
$ npm install @hankchanocd/npmlist
To perform unit tests and integration tests, simply run npm test
. (Need Help)
If you have any suggestion, leave it on Issues for discussion first. See here on how to contribute.
empowers many features that would otherwise be hard to imagine. If you haven't heard of fzf
, check out junegunn's fzf
. Check out my Dotfiles to see more use cases of fzf