Compare current package.json dependency version numbers with latest remote version number.
npm-dview is a command line tool for comparing a package.json file's dependency version numbers with the latest remote version number.
It compares both "dependencies" and/or "devDependencies".
It accomplishes this by calling "npm view MODULE_NAME version" for each dependency listed in your package.json file.
Install the command line tool globally by running:
npm install -g npm-dview
Usage: npm-dview [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number
--dep Show regular dependencies
--dev Show development dependencies
--peer Show peer dependencies
--update Update the package.json file with remote version numbers
--hideLocal Hide dependencies which local copy same as requestedVersion
--excludeCurrent Exclude up-to-date packages from the output
--output [type] Specify the output type [table,json]
--outputFile <file> the file to write data to
--file <file> The location of the package.json file
Default Usage:
List Regular Dependencies Only:
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
Version 2.0.3 - Released Apr 11, 2016
- fixed undefined when using --hideLocal
Version 2.0.2 - Released Apr 10, 2016
- add --hideLocal cli option (thanks @syarul)
Version 2.0.1 - Released Apr 9, 2016
- updating README
- updating package dependencies
Version 2.0.0 - Released Aug 25, 2015
- adding --excludeCurrent command line option.
Version 1.3.0 - Released Aug 16, 2015
- adding an --outputFile argument
- adding a progress bar
- changing the format of the json output
Version 1.2.0 - Released Aug 14, 2015
- Show ticks and crosses in place of boolean (for whether or not version is current)
- New cli option that allows json to be output instead of a table
Version 1.1.2 - Released Nov 17, 2014
- url test now just checks for presence of '/'
Version 1.1.1 - Released Oct 22, 2014
- url parsing bugfix.
- stop trying to get remote version for urls.
Version 1.1.0 - Released Oct 21, 2014
- stop processing urls and don't update package.json with ???
Version 1.0.0 - Released Aug 4, 2014
- now processing peerDependencies.
- changed cli option names.
- auto updating package.json when
option is passed.
Version 0.3.0 - Released June 2, 2014
- No longer throwing error when only devDependencies are found
Version 0.2.0 - Released May 18, 2013
- Adding hardcoded column widths
Version 0.1.1 - Released May 3, 2013
- New columns: "Local" and "Current?"
- Changed column name: "Requested Version" -> "Requested"
- Changed column name: "Remote Version" -> "Remote"
- Updating "async" version
Version 0.1.0 - Released April 13, 2013
- Initial Implementation
Add unit tests
Show progress bar/message while making remote calls
Split cli logic into new file, and expose a function that allows other libraries to use this via require('npm-dview').
See Also
Copyright (c) 2013 skratchdot
Licensed under the MIT license.