(No root required) Adds npm project to start on system boot (with/without forever) or on scheduled (such as npm/git updates daily).
NPM Project As A Service
(No root required) Adds npm project to start on system boot (with/without forever) or on scheduled (such as npm/git updates daily).
There are 3 ways to use npm-as-service
Install globally: (for user level versions of npm such as nvm)
npm install npm-as-service -g
Install globally as root: (for system level versions of npm such as n and npm from system repos)
sudo npm install npm-as-service -g
Use in your project only:
npm install npm-as-service --save
Start your project on boot
In your project root where package.json is located run:
npm-service install
If you don't have a package.json in your project root you can run:
npm init
You must then edit your package.json to specify your start command
package.json: (minimal)
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "node ${npm_package_main}",
package.json: (using forever)
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "npm stop --silent; forever start --workingDir \"${PWD}\" \"${PWD}/${npm_package_main}\"",
"stop": "forever stop --silent \"${PWD}/${npm_package_main}\"",
Automaticly (daily) update your project including security issues with dependencies
npm-service install --cmd npm update --crontab_time @daily
npm-service install --cmd npm audit fix --crontab_time @daily
How to remove services
npm-service remove
npm-service remove --cmd npm update --crontab_time @daily
npm-service remove --cmd npm audit fix --crontab_time @daily
More help:
$ npm-service --help
Usage: npm-as-service [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
install [options] install npm package as a service
remove [options] remove npm package as a service
help [command] display help for command
Install help:
$ npm-service install --help
Usage: npm-as-service install [options]
install npm package as a service
-c, --cmd <command...> The command to use for cron (default: ["npm","start"])
--prefix <path> npm --prefix (default: "/home/owner/Documents/repos/npm-as-service")
-t, --crontab_time <time> Comma separated time specification list or nickname {m h dom mon
dow,@reboot,@yearly,@annually,@monthly,@weekly,@daily,@hourly}. see "man crontab(5)"
(default: "@reboot")
-p, --cron_paths <PATH:PATH:...> Extra environment paths for cron. For example where npm is located.
(default: "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin")
-l, --cron_log <PATH> Path to cron log
-v, --verbose Verbose debug output
-h, --help Display help for command