For tweening a sprite on scroll
Novicell Sprite Animation
Used to animate spritesheets
Your spritesheet must currently be either horizontal or vertical. So no either one column with multiple rows, or one row with multiple columns (vertical vs horizontal)
Install with npm
npm install novicell-sprite-scroller
In your HTML Create a sticky-wrapper and a nested div with a class of sprite (this will hold the actual spritesheet itself)
<div class="sticky-wrapper">
<div class="sprite"></div>
The css used is
body {
/* Give body some height - otherwise u cant see the scroll */
height: 4000px;
text-align: center;
.sticky-wrapper {
position: -webkit-sticky;
position: sticky;
top: 0;
max-width: 600px;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
margin: 50px auto 0;
.sprite {
position: relative;
background: url("./sprite/ryu-sprite-demo.png") no-repeat 0% 0%;
/* This pseudoelement makes the square responsive */
.sprite:before {
content: "";
display: block;
padding-top: 100%;
In your javascript, import the module
import { SpriteScroller } from "novicell-sprite-scroller";
let spriteOne = new SpriteScroller({
element: "sprite", // class name of the element containing the sprite background url
rows: 46, // Amount of rows in sprite. If omitted, will default to 1
columns: 1, // Amount of columns in sprite. if omitted, will default to 1
direction: "vertical", //Accepts 'vertical' or 'horizontal' the direction of the animation. If omitted, will default to 'horizontal'
scrollMagicOptions: {
/* Here you can pass the usual args for the ScrollMagic scene. If omitted, it will default to
triggerHook: "onEnter",
duration: 600,
offset: 0
Note that many more options exist, simply look up the official scrollmagic docs for scene constructor
duration: 2000 // The sprite will unfold over 2000pxs.
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