novel hulubalang raja pdf ((exclusive))
Novel Hulubalang Raja Pdf Download ((EXCLUSIVE))
Novel Hulubalang Raja Pdf Download ===
the third part of the manuscript ( ff. 48r -102v) is the adat majlis raja-raja, customs and regulations of the kings, containing a detailed description of protocol for rulers and court officials, including regulations for ceremonies for the fasting month, for two main religious feasts, for making obeisance to the king, for the royal procession to the mosque on fridays, for the royal bathing party on the final wednesday of the month of safar (mandi safar), and for the night vigil of lailatulkadar in ramadan, and concludes with an enumeration of court dignitaries (ff. 103v-111r). the lengthy fourth and final part of the text ( ff. 111r -176r) is a detailed account of regulations for the port of aceh.
the manuscript of adat aceh contains a number of different texts. the first two pages ( ff. 2v -3r) contain a note on the duration of the world: pasal pada menyatakan umur dunia tatkala turun nabi allah adam sampai kepada hari kiamat iaitu tujuh ribu tahun lamanya, section on the age of the world, from the time of the prophet of god adam to the day of judgement, being seven thousand years. this is followed by the first major part, entitled in arabic mbain al-saln and in malay perintah segala raja-raja, regulations for kings ( ff. 3v -26v), ascribed to ismail bapa (father of) ahmad. containing advice for kings, the text is divided into 31 majlis or parts; the end of majlis 5 to the first part of majlis 24 was evidently missing in the older source from which the adat aceh was copied in 1815. 84d34552a1