powerful command line based note taking app.
Note Box
Note box is a sqlite3 based Node.JS application which helps taking notes in command line. It has following features:
- Completely Offline.
- Note tags.
- Password protection: AES256 encryption
- Simple Commands
- PIPE and Stream Support
- full text search / tag based search
- Single db file. easy to backup and migrate.
npm install -g notebox
CheatSheet (A way to notebox ninja)
New note
nb n "this is my note"
Multiple line note
nb n
Stream data from a file
nb n < myfile
Set tags (separated by comma)
nb n -t tag1,tag2,tag3 "Hell world"
Store binary file with a title
nb n --title mypdf.pdf <mypdf.pdf
Use password to protect data
nb -n -p pwd "my data here"
or input password silently
nb -n "my data " -p
Search note
Simple text match
nb s "word or phrase"
or by tags
nb s -t tag1,tag2
or by id
nb s --id <id>
list all note
nb s
remove all found items (find and remove)
nb s -t personal_tag --delete
extract stored file
nb s mypdf.pdf -o raw > mypdf.pdf
export a password protected file
nb s mypic.png -p -o raw >mypic.png
Use $EDITOR to change note data.
nb u <id>
Update password
nb u <id> -p
Note Editor
Change $EDITOR env var to the path of your editor so that you can create note, update note using the editor.
Shrink DB file
nb sql "vacuum;"
Use different db file
db n -d <dbFile Path>
##More see
nb help
#Encrypted Database By default, sqlite database is not encrypted. Although password protected notes are aes256 encrypted, it is nice to have whole database file encrypted. To do this, once notebox is installed, goto the installation folder and re-build / configure node-sqlite in node_modules folder.
Here is how: