ECMAScript 6 compliant Promise implementation with a few nice extensions
ECMAScript 6 compliant Promise implementation with a few nice extensions.
##Creating Promises
###Standard Promise API
var p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
// Do something async and eventually call resolve or reject
###Defer API
var p = Promise.defer(); // Underlying promise is p.promise
// Do something async and eventually call p.resolve or p.reject
##Promise.prototype methods ###then(function: onFulfilled, function: onRejected)
var p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject { ... })
.then(function (result) {
// this will be called if promise is fulfilled
}, function (err) {
// this will be called if promise is rejected
###catch(function: onRejected)
var p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject { ... })
.catch(function (err) {
// this will be called if promise is rejected
###Correctly catching errors
// Not recommanded: if something happen in the onFulfilled callback, onRejected will not be called
var p1 = new Promise(function (resolve, reject { ... })
.then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
// Much better: if something happen in the onFulfilled callback, onRejected will be called
var p2 = new Promise(function (resolve, reject { ... })
###finally(function: finalizer)
This promise extension allows having garbage collection code running without interfering with the promise chain
var p = doSomethingAsync1()
.then(function (result) {
return doSomethingAsync2(result);
.finally(function () {
// you may put cleanup code here, it will always be called
.then (function (result2) {
// result2 is the resolved value of doSomethingAsync2(result)
###callback(function(Error, any): done) This promise extension allows supporting optional callbacks when promise is settled
function myFunctionWithOptionalCallback(done) {
return doSomethingAsync().callback(done);
p.callback(done) returns a promise which will be settled after p is settled
If done is a function, done will be called when p is settled
Callback function follows standard node.js convention:
if promise is fulfilled, result is passed as second parameter
if promised is rejected, error is passed as first parameter
##Promise.prototype properties
###id: Number Unique promise identifier (could be useful for debugging)
###result: any Once the promise is settled this property returns the promise result or reject error
###status: The status of the promise, possible values are
##Promise constructor methods
###Promise.resolve(any: resolution) Returns a promise resolved with the given resolution. If the resolution is a Promise or a thenable object, the resulting promise will be settled when the resolution is settled and fulfilled or rejected accordingly.
###Promise.reject(Error: err) Returns a rejected promise with reason err.
###Promise.cast(any: wrapped) Returns a promise wrapping the wrapped input.
if wrapped is a Promise, Promise.cast returns wrapped itself
otherwise, Promise.cast is equivalent to Promise.resolve.
###Promise.all(Promise[]: promises) Returns a promise with the following properties.
It will be fulfilled if/when all promises in promises array are fulfilled. In that case, it is fulfilled with an array of the promises results.
it will be rejected if/when one the promises is rejected. In that case it is rejected with the reason of the rejected promise.
###Promise.race(Promise[]: promises) Returns a promise fulfilled/rejected with the result of the first promise to be settled.
###Promise.waitAll(Promise[]: promises) Returns a promise with the following properties
It will be settled when all promises are settled.
If all promises are fulfilled, Promise.all will be fulfilled with an array of the promise results
If at least one promise is rejected, Promise.all will be rejected with an error object with a
propertydetail.failCount contains the number of rejected promises
detail.errors is an array of promise reject errors: if k-th promise is rejected
contains the corresponding error otherwisedetail.errors[k]
is undefineddetail.results is an array of promise results: if k-th promise is fulfilled
contains the corresponding result otherwisedetail.result[k]
is undefined
###Promise.invoke(function: fn, ...) Convert a standard node.js callback-based call to a promise-based one
var fs = require("fs");
var p = Promise.invoke(, "tempFile.txt", "r")
.then(function (fd) {
// If method returns a single value it is available as promise result
var buffer = new Buffer(4096);
return Promise.invoke(, fd, 0, 4096, 0)
.then(function (result) {
// If method returns multiple values, the promise result wraps them in an array
var bytesRead = result[0];
var buf = result[1];