Norman Audit Service CLI
Audit CLI
This node program allows administrators to export security logs in CSV format.
npm install audit-server-cli
node index.js [host[:port]/]database [options]
The first parameter might be:
- The name of the mongodb database (ex: norman)
- The host name followed by a slash and the database name (ex: localhost/norman)
- The host name, a semi-colon, the port number, a slash and the database name (ex: localhost:27017/norman)
If not specified, the default value of the host will be localhost and the port will be 27017.
###Options ####Connection
- -u: specify the user name
- -p: specify the user password
- --category : specify the category value
- --event : specify the event value
- --user : specify the user value
- --username : specify the username value
- --date : specify the date value (YYYY-MM-DD)
- --ip : specify the ip value
- --description : specify the description value
- --from : specify the oldest date value
- --to : specify the newest date value
- --output : set the name of the output file
- --delimiter : set the delimiter for the CSV file (default: ;)
- --sort : sort the result on the given value in ascending order (put "-" in front of the value to sort in descending order)
- --limit : limit the number of results
- --config : load the given config file (allows to specify options directly in a json file)
node index.js norman -u bob -p azerty
Connects to the norman database as bob with the password azerty and exports all the logs.
node index.js norman --category=authentication --date=2015-02-22 --output=file.csv
Connect to the norman database without using any credentials and only export the logs related to authentication that happened on 22/02/2015. The CSV file will be generated in the current directory and named file.csv.
node index.js norman -u root --sort=username --from="2015-03-18 16:00:00" --limit=100
Connect to the norman database as root with no password and only export the logs of events that happened since 18/03/2015 at 4PM. Only the 100 first results are exported, sorted by the username.