noInfoPath wrapper around Kendo UI
@version 0.0.10
NoInfoPath Kendo UI is a wrapper around Kendo UI in order to integrate it with NoInfoPath Data. It is important to note that this module inplements implied interfaces that NoInfoPath defines. For the sake if this discussion we'll use the generic object oriented notation of "IXyz", where "I" stands for interface. This particular module will implement the IQueryParser, and IQueryBuilder interface.
- AngularJS
- jQuery
- ngLodash
- noinfopath
Development Dependencies
for exact version requirements.
- indexedDB.polyfill
- angular-mocks
- es5-shim
- grunt
- grunt-bumpup
- grunt-version
- grunt-contrib-concat
- grunt-contrib-copy
- grunt-contrib-watch
- grunt-karma
- jasmine-ajax
- jasmine-core
- jshint-stylish
- karma
- karma-chrome-launcher
- karma-coverage
- karma-firefox-launcher
- karma-html-reporter
- karma-ie-launcher
- karma-jasmine
- karma-phantomjs-launcher
- karma-safari-launcher
- karma-verbose-reporter
- noinfopath-helpers
- phantomjs
Developers' Remarks
|Who|When|What| |---|----|----| |Jeff|2015-08-08T16:38:00Z|Creating a new NoInfoPath module.| |Jeff|2015-09-15T11:10:00Z|Implemented noKendoGrid with noKendoDataSource, which integrates with the NoInfoPath Data Providers.|
This factory returns a service that creates Kendo DataSource objects that are compatible with other NoInfoPath wrapped Kendo widgets. The configuration data is stored in the NoInfoPath Configuration database, placed there either by using the NoInfopath Designer or by a developer, creating bare metal applications using the NoInfoPath open source components.
All properties mentioned in the Kendo DataSource documentation are supported with a few tactical exceptions. A few of options are set at runtime by the NoInfoPath Kendo UI DataSource wrapper. This allows Kendo's data aware widgets to work with NoInfoPath's data providers, like the IndexedDB, WebSql and HTTP implementations.
Schema Model
When the noKendoDataSource config contains a schema.model then loop through looking for fields that have a type and a parser property and set the parser propety to one of parse functions defined in the parsers collection.
The filter
property requires special processing because
it supports dynamic value binding from any injectable
data source location. $scope or $stateParams for
noKendoGrid (no-kendo-grid) Directive
Creates a Kendo UI Grid, bound to a NoInfoPath data provider, and injects it into the DOM.
|Name|Descriptions| |----|------------| |no-config|The name of the configuration node in noConfig.current. |
<no-kendo-grid no-config="noComponents.cooperators"/>
Sample noComponent Configuration
noComponents: {
"cooperators": {
dataProvider: "noWebSQL",
entityName: "vw_Cooperator_Summary",
noKendoGrid: {},
noKendoDataSource: {}
|Name|Descriptions| |----|------------| |noForm|Name of the noForm configuration to retreive from the noFormBuilderService.| |noComponent|Name of the noForm component to use for configuration data.|
<no-kendo-grid no-form="form1" no-component="grid1" />
Sample noForm Configuration
form1: {
components: {
"grid1": {
dataProvider: "noWebSQL",
databaseName: "FCFNv2",
entityName: "vw_Cooperator_Summary"
kendoGrid: {},
kendoDataSource: {}
change() event handler
Listens on the Kendo UI Grid components change event
and transitions the user to the toState
in the noConfig node for this directive.
When this property is truthy and an object, noKendoGrid Directive will look for the template property. When found, it will be expected to be a string, that is the url to the editor template. When this occurs the directive must wait for the template before continuing with the grid initialization process.