A Mock Request object to use when node-unit-testing an express app
nodeunit-express is a utility function to make it easy to write tests for Node.JS Express applications. It is based on the project, which I could not get to work properly.
How to use:
First, install using npm:
npm install nodeunit-express
Then require it in your test file like so:
var request = require('nodeunit-express');
Let's say you want to test this simple express app to make sure it returns the proper status, body, and headers:
var express = require('express')
var app = module.exports = express();
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.send("ok", {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}, 200);
// Only start listening on 8080 when this file is run directly i.e.: node app.js
if(!module.parent) {
You could write your test like so:
var request = require('nodeunit-express');
// require the express application, notice how we exported the express app using `module.exports` above
var app = require('../app');
// This is a nodeunit test example
exports.testGet = function(test){
var express = request(app);
express.get('/').expect(function(response) {
// response is the response from hitting '/'
test.equal(response.body, "ok");
test.equal(response.statusCode, 200);
test.equal(response.headers['content-type'], "text/html");
var testerInitializer = require('nodeunit-express/tester');
var app = require('../app');
var globalOptions = {
prepare: function (res) {
if (res.body != null) {
res.body = JSON.parse(res.body);
return res;
var tester = testerInitializer(globalOptions);
module.exports['test test'] = tester(app, {
method: 'POST',
uri: '/user/123/',
headers: {
'some-header-key': 'some-header-value'
body: {
"first_name": "Mike",
"last_name": "Portnoy"
expect: {
// any response property what you need check
// statusCode
statusCode: 400
// expect body as object. By default all specified expected properties compare deeply by test.deepEqual
body: {
error: {
name: "ValidationError",
rule: "required"
// expect body as function if you need check not all property
body: function (body, response, options, args) {
// args: tester returns a function. args is called function arguments. for example for nodeunit first argument is "test"
// response: response object
// options: compiled options
var test = args[0];
test.strictEqual(, 'ValidationError');