Adaptor for node-mysql and node-sqlite3
#NodeSQL Adaptor that wraps node-mysql and node-sqlite3 databases with a common interface. The intention is to allow fast unit testing of the database with sqlite's in memory database.
NOTE * indicates an optional parameter
via npm
npm install nodesql
//using mysql
var mysql = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host : '',
user : 'bob',
password : 'secret',
database : 'databaseName',
//only set the multipleStatements setting if you plan on using the transaction
//method (and be careful) as it potentially exposes you to sql injection.
multipleStatements: true
//or for sqlite3
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var connection = new sqlite3.Database(':memory:');
//wrap the database connection in a nodeSql adaptor.
var nodeSql = require('nodesql');
var db = nodeSql.createMySqlStrategy(connection);
var db = nodeSql.createSqliteStrategy(connection);
###db.query(sqlStatement, *values, *callback)
SELECT If no error occurs err will be null, and the second parameter will contain an array of rows.
db.query('SELECT * FROM Table', function (err, rows) {
if(!err) {
else {
console.log("An Error Occured");
INSERT The second parameter will be the id of the row that was just inserted.
db.query('INSERT INTO Table (col) VALUES (?)', ['columnValue'], function (err, insertId) {
if(!err) {
db.query('UPDATE ...', ..., function (err) {});
db.query('DELETE ...', ..., function (err) {});, *values, *callback) returns the first result of a select statement.'SELECT * FROM Table WHERE id = ?', [5], function (err, row) {
//row is the first element of what would normally be
//an array of rows.
});, *whereEqualsObject, *callback)
//equivalent to db.query('SELECT * FROM Table WHERE id = ?', [5], function (err, rows) {});'Table', { id: 5 }, function (err, rows) {});
###db.selectOne(table, whereEqualsObject, *callback) returns the first result of select
db.selectOne('Table', { id: 5 }, function (err, row) {
//row is the first element of what would normally be
//an array of rows.
###db.insert(table, row, *callback)
//equivalent to db.query('INSERT INTO Table (col) VALUES (?)', ['foo'], function (err, insertId) {});
db.insert('Table', { col: 'foo' }, function (err, insertId) {});
###db.update(table, rowEdits, whereEqualsObject, *callback)
//equivalent to db.query('UPDATE Table SET col = ? WHERE id = ?', ['edit', 5], function (err) {});
db.update('Table', { col: 'edit' }, { id: 5 }, function (err) {});
###db.delete(table, whereEqualsObject, *callback)
//equivalent to db.query('DELETE FROM Table WHERE id = ?', [5], function (err) {});
db.delete('Table', { id: 5 }, function (err) {});
###db.transaction(statements, *callback) perform multiple sql statements that will be wrapped in a transaction.
db.transaction(['INSERT INTO ...', 'INSERT INTO ...']);
##db.escape(value) escapes a value used in query to protect against sql injection. using a prepared statement is preferred. Warning: No Escaping is actually implemented for sqlite! (simply returns value)
All NodeSQL that take callbacks also return Q promises.'Table', {id: 5}).then(
function (rows) {},
function (err) {}