Super easy way to use Text to Speech on Windows.
Bring your applications to life with Nodespeak, an easy way to call the SpeechSynthesizer object in System.Speech.Synthesis.
Nodespeak requires the .NET framework 4.5 or higher to be installed. It has been tested on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 2012 server. Also if you require a more realistic voice than Microsoft Sam, I highly recommend looking into IVONA and Loquendo.
npm install nodespeak
I made it as simple as possible.
var nodespeak = require('nodespeak')
var speaker = new nodespeak({
text: "Jochem Stoel, the creator of nodespeak is the most sexy man alive.",
voice: "IVONA 2 Ivy"
speaker.speak(); // the system will speak using default audio device
speaker.render('myfile.wav'); // it will render to a wav in stead
A shorter notation is also possible and it will automatically create an instance of itself if you for some reason forget to use "new" to create the object.
text: 'Hello, world!',
voice: 'Dave'
You can also write it as a chain if that is what you prefer.
new nodespeak()
Or you might want to set the input variables yourself. Whatever floats your boat.
var nodespeak = new nodespeak();
nodespeak.option.text = ''
nodespeak.option.voice = ''
How does it work?
nodespeak executes a child process 'nodespeak.exe'. This simple 400kb application takes input, voice and output as command line arguments and passes them to a SpeechSynthesizer object in System.Speech.Synthesis. Run nodespeak.exe yourself without arguments to get this list of options. Nodespeak.exe is written in C# and you can find the source on my webite.
nodespeak.exe -i "Hello, node!" -v "Microsoft Sam"
Nodespeak is free to use, modify and (re)distribute if you send me a thank you email at jochemstoel(at)
Jochem Stoel
Involuntary public figure.