This is a package that turns google sheets into a database that is accessible in a node.js ORM
This is a package that turns google sheets into a quasi node.js ORM. It uses the google-api-nodejs-client
to authenticate with the google sheets API. It currently implements the Google service account for authentication, but future releases might incorporate other authentications.
At this point, you can pull data form a sheet, manipulate that data, then write it back. The downside to this format is that it primarily works through batch updating. Even if one row is manipulated, this package will clear the sheet, then readd all the rows. It assumes that there is a header row.
In order to better facilitate testing, nodequentsheets allows you to put the sheet ID of a production
and a developement
sheet and it gives you the option to set the mode to either development or production. In order to do this, you need to set .env (currently in the root of the package).
To use this package, you need to have a google service account and a google sheets document. You need to have the service account's credentials stored in a file named credentials.json
in a directory named storage
You can install this package using npm, npm i nodequentsheets
Basic Usage
This package utilizes the dotenv
npm package and requires you to set .env environment variables:
Once your environment variables are set you can load in the Sheets class and set your options:
const Sheets = require("../src/Sheets")
const db = new Sheets({
developmentId: process.env.DEV_ID,
productionId: process.env.PROD_ID,
serviceAccount: require("../storage/credentials.json"),
useCache: true,
// Set the DB mode to true for a development sheet or false for a production sheet
db.setMode({ development: true })
// You can set a column in the spreadsheed to act like a primary column.
// Currently nodequentsheets assigns a numerical ID to each row in the spreadsheet when
// it is converted to an object and stored in the values property.
// Once the options are set you can initialize the Class, which will set up the Google Sheets
// Authentication
await db.init()
// Once the class is initiated, you can make a call to the Google Sheets API to pull the rows
// from the sheet, using various .where conditions.
// If no where conditions are assigned, you will retrieve all the values in the spreadsheet.
// Sheets transforms all header row values into lower case, with no special characters, and
// underscores instead of spaces, so make sure you search the columns based on the new criteria
const Sheet = (await db.table("sheetname"))
column: "name",
operator: "=",
value: "John",
column: "primary_address",
operator: "=",
value: "123 Street Address",
// Order By statements are also acceptable
const Sheet = (await db.table("sheetname")).orderBy({ column: "ID", direction: "desc" })
// You can also pass your own custom way of sorting:
const Sheet = (await db.table("sheetname")).orderByRaw((data) => {
return data.sort((a, b) => {
return a.ID - b.ID;
// After you have populated the values in the class, you can loop through and manipulate each row
for (const row of Table.get()) {
row.ID = Math.random(15)
Creating Records
const Sheets = require("../src/Sheets");
const sleep = require("../src/functions").sleep;
const db = new Sheets({
serviceAccount: require("../storage/credentials.json"),
const init = async () => {
const table = "Test Table";
// Step 1: Initialize the Database with Development and Production Sheets
await db.database({
devTitle: "Test Dev", // Title of the development sheet
prodTitle: "Test Prod", // Title of the production sheet
table: table, // Table name in the sheet
schema: {
ID: String,
Name: String,
Age: Number,
Address: String,
// Step 2: Set the Mode to Development
db.setMode({ development: true });
// Step 3: Set the Primary Column for Row Uniqueness
// Step 4: Select the Table and Insert a New Row
await db.table(table);
await db.insert({
ID: "1",
Name: "John",
Age: 30,
Address: "123 Main St",
// Step 5: Save Changes to the Sheet
// Log the Database Object for Verification