📃 NodeJS-Logger
Welcome to this Project, its a small project ive made for my own projects in NodeJS.
a good looking Logging Libary with some cool features & animations
I may continue updating this, maybe not, idk
📥 Installation
#Installing using NPM:
>npm i nodejs-logging-libary
#Clone The Github repo:
>git clone
const {Logger, presets, create_error, colors} = require('nodejs-logging-libary');
// Define colors for the logger
var { foreground_colors, background_colors, text_formatting } = colors;
const custom_logger_settings = {//Custom Settings for the logger
b_display_time: true,
s_display_mode: 'icon_and_tag', // icon_only, tag_only, icon_and_tag
s_time_format: 'de-DE',
s_time_zone: 'Europe/Berlin',
box_settings: {
border_color: 'white',
border_style: 'double',
valign: 'center',
padding: 0,
marginLeft: 1,
b_display_time: false, //Make sure the text is not too short, otherwise the time wont be displayed in the box
loading_animation: presets.loading_animation_presets.braille_dots,
progress_bar: presets.progress_bar_presets.dashed,
function task_todo() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve();//call resolve() to indicate that the task is done
}, 10);
async function main(){
// const logger = new Logger(custom_logger_settings); // Custom settings
const logger = new Logger(); // Default settings
// Displays a simple message in a box with default styling.'Welcome!');
// Displays a message in a customized box.'Watupp\nThis is a box message', { border_color: 'green', border_style: 'doubleSingleRounded', padding: 2, marginLeft: 1, b_display_time: false});
// Logs a general message to the console.
logger.log("This is a log message!");
// Logs a warning message, indicating a potential issue.
logger.warn("This is a warning!");
// Logs a success message, indicating a successful operation.
logger.success("This was a success!");
// Logs an informational message."This is an info!");
// Logs an error message, without the position of the code where this log was called at
logger.errorEx("This is an error message!");
// Logs an error message with the position of the code where this log was called at
// Parameters:
// - error(create_error("message")) | You have to call the create_error function to get the error message
logger.error(create_error("This message faild to send!"));
// Get integer input from the user
await logger.get_int_input("How old is you?");
// Get integer input from the user with a specified range of allowed
await logger.get_int_input("Rate this repo from 1-10", 1, 10);
// Get string input from the user
await logger.get_string_input("Whats your name?");
// Logs user activity
// Parameters:
// - action: The action being logged
// - username: The username of the user performing the action
// - request: The request, its necacary to display the IP Adress!
// - is_admin_activity: Indicates whether the action was done by an admin or user.
logger.user_activity("Create User", "Alibaba1337", "request", false);
logger.user_activity("Delete User", "AdminSenpai69", "request", true);
// Logs user activity with unlimited additional custom arguments
// Parameters:
// - action: The action being logged
// - username: The username of the user performing the action.
// - request: The request, its necacary to display the IP Adress!
// - is_admin_activity: Indicates whether the action was done by an admin or user.
// - additional args: Additional arguments to include in the log message.
logger.user_activityEx("Create Auction", "AdminSenpai69","request", true, `AuctionID: ${foreground_colors.yellow + "78346875463785634"}`);
// Adds space in the log for better readability same as "console.log('\n');";
// Ask a yes/no question
// Prompts the user with a yes/no question and waits for a Yes/No response.
const is_user_sure = await logger.bool_question("are you sure?");
// Adds space in the log for better readability;
// Displays a progress bar
// Indicates the progress of a running task.
await logger.progress_bar(task_todo, "Updating Network adapters..");
// Indicates that a task is in progress displaying a loading circle/symbol for a specified duration(milliseconds).
await logger.loading_circle("Updating Profile..", 5000);