Advanced library based on node-fetch and tls-client.
npm install node-tls-client
# (or)
yarn add node-tls-client
# (or)
pnpm add node-tls-client
const { Session, ClientIdentifier } = require("node-tls-client");
* @description Demonstrates using the node-tls-client library to make HTTP requests with a specified timeout.
* Note: The timeout is set per session and cannot be changed during the session.
* @see {@link SessionOptions} for more details.
(async () => {
const session = new Session({ clientIdentifer: ClientIdentifier.chrome_120, timeout: 3000 });
try {
const response = await session.get("");
console.log(response.status, await response.text());
} catch (error) {
console.error("An error occurred:", error);
} finally {
await session.close();
Advanced example
const { Session } = require("node-tls-client");
* @description Demonstrates an advanced usage scenario with the node-tls-client library, showcasing custom TLS client configuration.
* This example illustrates the creation of a TLS session with tailored settings and the execution of a GET request.
* Custom TLS settings encompass a wide array of configurations, including:
* - JA3 string specification
* - Fine-tuning HTTP/2 settings
* - Defining supported signature algorithms
* - Specifying ALPN (Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation) protocols
* - Declaring supported TLS versions
* - Setting key share curves for cryptographic key exchange
* - Choosing a certificate compression algorithm
* - Configuring connection and header flow parameters
* - Defining the order of headers and priority frames
* - Providing default headers for HTTP requests
* @see {@link SessionOptions} for more details on session options.
(async () => {
const session = new Session({
h2Settings: {
h2SettingsOrder: [
supportedSignatureAlgorithms: [
alpnProtocols: ["h2", "http/1.1"],
alpsProtocols: ["h2"],
supportedVersions: ["GREASE", "1.3", "1.2"],
keyShareCurves: ["GREASE", "X25519"],
certCompressionAlgo: "brotli",
pseudoHeaderOrder: [":method", ":authority", ":scheme", ":path"],
connectionFlow: 15663105,
headerOrder: ["accept", "user-agent", "accept-encoding", "accept-language"],
priorityFrames: [
streamID: 1,
priorityParam: {
streamDep: 1,
exclusive: true,
weight: 1,
headerPriority: {
streamDep: 1,
exclusive: true,
weight: 1,
headers: {
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
"accept-language": "de-DE,de;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7",
const response = await session.get("http://localhost:3000/");
console.log(response.status, await response.text());
await session.close();
More examples
const { Session, ClientIdentifier } = require("node-tls-client");
(async () => {
const session = new tlsClient.Session({
clientIdentifier: ClientIdentifier.chrome_120,, //client identifier
timeout: 30 * 1000, //timeout in *milliseconds*, applies for each requests, checkout examples/timeout.js for using different timeouts.
insecureSkipVerify: false, //SSL certificate verification
const response = await session.get("", {
proxy: `http://user:pass@ip:port`, //proxy format: http://user:pass@ip:port or http://ip:port
cookies: { parameter: "value" }, //cookies
redirect: true, //follow redirected urls
headers: { authorization: "test" }, //request headers
await session.close();
//more details:
Session Options
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| sessionId
| string | A unique identifier for the session. |
| headers
| IncomingHttpHeaders | An object containing custom headers to send with the request. |
| proxy
| string | A proxy server URL to use for the request. [format: 'http://user:pass@ip:port or http://ip:port'] |
| clientIdentifier
| ClientIdentifier | A string identifier for the client, e.g., "chrome_120"
. |
| ja3string
| string | A string representing JA3 fingerprinting configuration. |
| h2Settings
| h2Settings[] | An object specifying HTTP/2 settings. |
| h2SettingsOrder
| h2Settings[] | An array specifying the order of HTTP/2 settings. |
| supportedSignatureAlgorithms
| supportedSignatureAlgorithms[] | An array of supported signature algorithms. |
| supportedVersions
| supportedVersions[] | An array of supported TLS versions. |
| keyShareCurves
| keyShareCurves[] | An array of key share curves. |
| certCompressionAlgo
| certCompressionAlgo | A certificate compression algorithm, e.g., "brotli"
. |
| pseudoHeaderOrder
| pseudoHeaderOrder[] | An array specifying the order of pseudo-headers. |
| connectionFlow
| number | A number specifying the connection flow control window size. |
| priorityFrames
| priorityFrame[] | An array of priority frames to send with the request. |
| headerOrder
| string[] | An array specifying the order of headers. |
| alpnProtocols
| string[] | An array of Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) protocols. |
| alpsProtocols
| string[] | An array of Application Layer Protocol Settings (ALPS) protocols. |
| headerPriority
| priorityParam | An object specifying header priority parameters. |
| randomTlsExtensionOrder
| boolean | A boolean indicating whether to use a random order for TLS extensions. |
| forceHttp1
| boolean | A boolean indicating whether to force the use of HTTP/1.1. |
| debug
| boolean | A boolean indicating whether to enable debug mode. |
| insecureSkipVerify
| boolean | A boolean indicating whether to skip SSL certificate verification. |
Session methods
| Method | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| get(url: string, options: RequestOptions)
| Sends a GET request to the specified URL and returns the response. |
| put(url: string, options: RequestOptions)
| Sends a PUT request to the specified URL with the provided options and returns the response. |
| delete(url: string, options: RequestOptions)
| Sends a DELETE request to the specified URL with the provided options and returns the response. |
| options(url: string, options: RequestOptions)
| Sends an OPTIONS request to the specified URL with the provided options and returns the response. |
| head(url: string, options: RequestOptions)
| Sends a HEAD request to the specified URL with the provided options and returns the response. |
| post(url: string, options: RequestOptions)
| Sends a POST request to the specified URL with the provided options and returns the response. |
| patch(url: string, options: RequestOptions)
| Sends a PATCH request to the specified URL with the provided options and returns the response. |
| close()
| Closes the session. |
| close()
| Closes the session. |
| cookies
| Returns an object containing the session cookies. |
Request Options
| Parameter | Description |
| -------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| body
| The body of the request, if applicable. This can be a string, a buffer, or an object. |
| headers
| An object containing the request headers. |
| redirect
| A boolean value indicating whether to follow redirects. |
| additionalDecode
| A boolean value indicating whether to perform additional decoding of the response content. |
| proxy
| The URL of the proxy server to be used for the request. [format: 'http://user:pass@ip:port or http://ip:port'] |
| cookies
| An object containing cookies to be sent with the request. |
| Properties | Description |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ok
| This boolean value indicates whether the request was successful or not. It returns "true" if the response status is within the range 200-299, indicating success. Otherwise, it returns "false".|
headers | This object contains the response headers returned by the server. |
status | This integer represents the HTTP status code of the response. |
url | This is the URL to which the request was made. |
cookies` | Returns an object containing the cookies for that URL.
| Methods | Description |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| text()
| Returns a promise that resolves with the response body as plain text. |
| json()
| Returns a promise that resolves with the response body parsed as JSON. |
This library is based on bogdanfinn's tls client in golang. A big thanks to him.