A set of Node.js helpers to fetch the Brussels Public Transport APIs (STIB)
A set of Node.js helpers to fetch the Brussels Public Transport APIs (STIB).
- 3.1. constructor()
- 3.2. getToken()
- 3.3. getLineDescription()
- 3.4. getStopDescription()
- 3.5. getVehiclePosition()
- 3.6. getMessageByLine()
- 3.7. getWaitingTime()
1. Installation
npm i node-stib
You'll need valid STIB API credentials to use this library. For more information, check out the official developers page.
Please note that this library is NOT an official project from STIB and it is maintained voluntarily under MIT license.
2. Examples
2.1. Basic authentication
Authenticate with consumer key & consumer secret
The most straightforward way to authenticate is using a pair of consumer key and consumer secret. This ensures you to always have valid connection to the API. This will generate an expirable token for further communications with the API.
const { Stib } = require('node-stib')
async const fetchMetroLine5Description = () => {
const stib = new Stib()
const token = await stib.getToken('consumerKey', 'consumerSecret')
// Once authenticated you can use the API
return await stib.getLineDescription([5])
Authenticate with a token
Although not reccomended you can also directly connect to the API using a pre-generated token.
const { Stib } = require('node-stib')
async const fetchMetroLine5Description = () => {
const stib = new Stib('tokentokentoken')
return await stib.getLineDescription([5])
2.2. Get all stops coordinates for a given line
const { Stib } = require('node-stib')
async const fetchStopCoordinates = () => {
const stib = new Stib()
await stib.getToken('consumerKey', 'consumerSecret')
const lines = await stib.getLineDescription([61, 92, 93])
const points = lines
.map(line => [ ...line.points ])
.map(point =>
const stopsCoordinates = await stib.getStopDescription(points)
return stopsCoordinates
2.3. Count all moving vehicles
const { Stib } = require('node-stib')
async const countAllMovingVehicles = () => {
const stib = new Stib()
await stib.getToken('consumerKey', 'consumerSecret')
const lines = []
for(let i=1;i<100;i++) lines.push(i)
const movingVehicles = await stib.getVehiclePosition(lines)
return movingVehicles
.reduce((ac, cv) => ac += cv.vehiclePositions.length, 0)
3. API documentation
3.1. constructor()
new Stib(?token)
initialize a new Stib object.
- token (string) optional : A temporary token, if no token is provided you should generate one using the
const { Stib } = require("node-stib");
const stib = new Stib("tokentokentoken");
3.2. getToken()
await getToken(consumerKey, consumerSecret)
try to create a new temporary token, if a valid token has already been generated in the past hour returns the active valid token.
- consumerKey (string) : Your personal consumer key
- consumerSecret (string) : Your personal consumer secret
Returns a promise containing the an object with an access token and its expiration time.
3.3. getLineDescription()
await getLineDescription(lines)
get the description for a set of given lines.
Arguments :
- lines (array) : An array containing line numbers
Returns a promise containing an array of line descriptions
3.4. getStopDescription()
await getStopDescription(stops)
get the description for a set of given stop ids.
Arguments :
- stops (array) : An array of stop ids
Returns a promise containing an array of stop descriptions.
3.5. getVehiclePosition()
await getVehiclePosition(lines)
get the realtime positions of vehicle for a set of given lines
Arguments :
- lines (array) : An array containing line numbers
Returns a promise containing an array of realtime positions per line
3.6. getMessageByLine()
await getMessageByLine(lines)
get a series of maintenance messages for a given set of lines
Arguments :
- lines (array) : An array containing line numbers
Returns a promise containing an array of maintenance message per line
3.7. getWaitingTime()
await getWaitingTime(stops)
get all incoming vehicles for a list of given stops.
Arguments :
- stops (array) : An array of stop ids
Returns a promise containing an array of waiting times for each line of the given stops
4. Rate Limiting
This library is aware of STIB API's rate limitation and has some builtin helpers to help you prevent hitting the limit too fast.
- Queries are dispatched so you can query up to 200 resources (lines or points) in a single call.
- An array containing multiple instance of the same resource will only be fetched once.