On Premise SharePoint 2013 REST API wrapper. Requires basic auth to be enabled on SharePoint
On Premise SharePoint 2013 REST API wrapper. Requires basic auth to be enabled on SharePoint's IIS server.
Using node-sharepoint-rest
$ npm install node-sharepoint-rest
With it now installed in your project:
settings =
user : "node"
pass : "password"
url : "https://sharepoint/subsite"
strictSSL : false
SharePoint = require 'node-sharepoint-rest'
sharePoint = new SharePoint(settings)
- getContext(app, cb)
- getPropertiesForAccountName(accountName, cb)
- getLists(cb)
- getListItemsByTitle(title, cb)
- createList(req, cb)
- createColumnForListByGUID(req, cb)
- addListItemByTitle(listTitle, cb)
- addAttachmentToListItem(req, cb)
is a prototype function of the SharePoint class for getting the context of a SharePoint app. For example, you can use this fn to get the context string from a custom list, which is required for POSTing new items to that list. You can also provide an empty set '' for the appName to get the context of the site root.
sharePoint.getContext 'appName', (err, context)->
if err
console.log err
console.log context
>> 0x7F21F8A4C70FB50B05A7DE7DD23334D06D4BC45FAAZZFFDDDDD32D125B556A278AFF84B948BE99AC0045DFCC3B25F8D01F24A94B8DF10C36CE1C1B1,28 Aug 2013 16:00:07 -0000
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is a prototype function of the UserProfile class inherited by the SharePoint class. It takes an account name string of "<domain>\username" and a callback (err, data), where data is the RESTful results from SharePoint.
sharePoint.getPropertiesForAccountName "domain\\admin", (err, profile)->
util = require 'util'
console.log util.inspect(profile, {depth:4})
The data returned looks something like this. The "..." indicates a continuation:
AccountName: 'domain\\admin',
DirectReports: { results: [] },
DisplayName: 'admin',
Email: '[email protected]',
ExtendedManagers: { results: [] },
ExtendedReports: { results: [ 'domain\\admin' ] },
IsFollowed: true,
LatestPost: "Hello #sharepoint citizens!",
Peers: { results: [] },
PersonalUrl: '',
PictureUrl: '',
Title: "SharePoint Admin",
results: [
__metadata: { ... },
Key: 'UserProfile_GUID',
Value: '12341234-3934-2934-h38h-2398482348',
ValueType: 'Edm.String'
__metadata: { ... },
Key: 'SID',
Value: 's-1-5-20-23423423-123412342-12342341-1000',
ValueType: 'Edm.String'
__metadata: {
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is a prototype function of the SharePoint class that uses the require module and basic auth to communicate with On Premise SharePoint instances. It takes a callback (err, data), where data is the RESTful results from SharePoint.
sharePoint.getLists (err, data)->
if err
console.log err
console.log data[id].Title for id of data
The data returned looks something like this. The "..." indicates a continuation:
Title: 'list1',
Created: '2013-06-18T13:51:35Z',
Id: '12345ba1-65cb-1234-1234642ds',
__metadata: {
Title: 'list2',
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is a prototype function of the SharePoint class that uses the require module and basic auth to grab an array of list items. It takes a list title string and a callback (err, data), where data is the RESTful results from SharePoint.
sharePoint.getListItemsByTitle 'customList', (err, data)->
if err
console.log err
console.log data[id].Title for id of data
The data returned looks something like this. The "..." indicates a continuation:
Title: 'First Custom Item',
Created: '2013-06-18T13:51:35Z',
Id: 1,
GUID: '12345ba1-65cb-1234-1234642ds',
__metadata: {
Title: 'Second Custom Item',
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The following prototype functions (getListTypeByTitle and getContext) return necessary data required to use the wrapped POST requests for adding list items and adding list item attachments.
is a prototype function for getting the internal string name of a SharePoint list item type. Think of it as a schema name. It takes a list title string and a callback (err, data), where data is the RESTful results from SharePoint in string format.
sharePoint.getListTypeByTitle 'customList', (err, type)->
if err
console.log err
console.log type
>> SP.Data.customListListItem
In order to use these POST functions, you must obtain the context and list item type, first, either by storing them before posting the request, or inline through callbacks as shown below.
is a prototype function for creating a custom list. You must have a recent context token first. The example shows a callback pattern starting with the getContext fn. The createList fn takes a req object which must contain a list title string, the app context, and a callback (err, list), where list is the new list from SharePoint. As an interesting side note: any context will work here, even the context of the site itself (empty string) as seen in the example below.
# get our context from the site url (leave app parameter as empty string)
sharePoint.getContext '', (err, context)->
console.log err || context
req =
context: context
title : 'testing101'
description: "This is my new custom list"
sharePoint.createList req, (err, list)->
console.log err || list
The data returned looks something like this. Id will be used when calling list related fns that require GUID. The "..." indicates a continuation:
Title: testing101',
Created: '2013-06-18T13:51:35Z',
Id: '12345ba1-65cb-1234-1234642ds',
__metadata: {
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is a prototype function for deleting a custom list. The deleteListByGUID fn takes a req object which must contain a list GUID, the app context, and a callback (err, meta), where meta is the response for the operation.
# get our context from the site url (leave app parameter as empty string)
sharePoint.getContext 'app', (err, context)->
console.log err || context
req =
context: context
guid: '47c61990-d8ae-4f73-bae7-8fdaeecb4e98'
sharePoint.deleteListByGUID req, (err, meta)->
console.log err || meta
The data returned looks something like this. The "..." indicates a continuation:
Title: testing101',
Created: '2013-06-18T13:51:35Z',
Id: '12345ba1-65cb-1234-1234642ds',
__metadata: {
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is a prototype function for creating a custom list column. You must have a recent context token from your list app first. The example shows a callback pattern starting with the getContext fn. The fn takes a req object which must contain a column title string, the app context, the column type (see:, the list GUID, and a callback (err, data), where data is the new column meta-data from SharePoint.
sharePoint.getContext 'testing101', (err, context)->
console.log err || context
req =
context: context
title : 'text'
type : 3
guid : '47c61990-d8ae-4f73-bae7-8fdaeecb4e98'
sharePoint.createColumnForListByGUID req, (err, data)->
console.log err || data
The data returned looks something like this. Id will be used when calling list related fns that require GUID. The "..." indicates a continuation:
Title: text',
Created: '2013-06-18T13:51:35Z',
Id: '12345ba1-65cb-1234-1234642ds',
Description: '',
FieldTypeKind: 3,
__metadata: {
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is a prototype function for adding an item to a custom list. This fn takes a list title string, an item object (containing the list type in its __metadata), the app context, and a callback (err, newItem), where newItem is the new item from SharePoint.
list = 'customList'
sharePoint.getListTypeByTitle list, (err, type)->
if err
console.log err
sharePoint.getContext list, (err, context)->
if err
console.log err
item =
type: type
Title: "My New Item " + Math.random()
sharePoint.addListItemByTitle list, item, context, (err, newItem)->
if err
console.log err
console.log newItem
The data returned looks something like this. The "..." indicates a continuation:
Title: 'My New Item 0.78239873624978',
Created: '2013-06-18T13:51:35Z',
Id: 1,
GUID: '12345ba1-65cb-1234-1234642ds',
__metadata: {
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is a prototype function for adding a binary attachment to a custom list item. This fn takes a config object and a callback (err, data), where data is meta from the item.
fs = require 'fs'
binary =
fileName: "test.txt"
data = fs.readFileSync binary.fileName, { encoding: null }
list = 'customList'
sharePoint.getContext list, (err, context)->
if err
console.log err
req =
title : list
itemId : 1
context : context
data : data
binary : binary
sharePoint.addAttachmentToListItem req, (err, newItem)->
if err
console.log err
console.log newItem