NodeJS library for ServerTap
NodeJS Library for the Minecraft server plugin ServerTap (
Ussage example:
// Import the package - npm i node-servertap
import { servertap, websocket } from "node-servertap";
// Create our instance
const instance = new servertap(
"localhost", // Server IP / domain
"4567", // ServerTap port, Default is 4567
"change_me" // ServerTap key, Default is "change_me"
// Using await
console.log(await // Returns "pong"
// Promises
instance.server.whitelist.get().then(result => {
console.log(result) // Returns the server whitelist as an Array of Objects
// How to use the websocket:
// Import "wehsocket" from node-servertap, then create a new ws like this:
const ws = new websocket(
instance // Our servertap instance from before
false // Wether or not to use TLS
// Then use it as you normally would, for example
ws.on("open", (stream) => {
// send commands
ws.send("say hi from node")
Example project:
// Simple example showing how to use node-servertap to get a pretty live server log
// Can be modified to do specefic things depending on what type of event was sent by the server,
// in this example it just changes how it gets logged to the console.
import { servertap, websocket } from 'node-servertap'
import { strip } from 'ansicolor' // For removing color from our data
// Create a client and give it your credentials
const client = new servertap("localhost", 4567, "change_me")
// Array containing objects with player data of all online players
/** @type {String[]} */
const players = await client.player.get.allOnline()
// Create the WebSocket
const wsClass = new websocket(client) // Contains the init() class, and all the parse functions
const ws = wsClass.init(false) // The actual websocket
ws.on("open", function() {
// keep alive
setInterval(() => {"") }, 10000);
// Handles when we get data from the websocket
ws.on("message", function message(rawData) {
// Format the data
/** @type {{message:string,timestampMillis:number,loggerName:string,level:string}} */
var data = JSON.parse(strip(rawData.toString()))
data.message = strip(data.message)
// Handle the message we got from the websocket
* Function that parses and handles events
* @param {{message:string,timestampMillis:number,loggerName:string,level:string}} data
function handle(data) {
let chat = wsClass.parseChat(data, " » ")
let command = wsClass.parseCommand(data)
let connectionEvent = wsClass.parseConnections(data)
let deathEvent = wsClass.parseDeath(data, players)
// Chats
if (chat) {
return console.log("✉️ ",, ": ", chat.content)
// Join / Leave
if (connectionEvent) {
switch (connectionEvent.type) {
case "JOIN":
return console.log("👋", connectionEvent.player, "joined!")
case "LEAVE":
return console.log("👋", connectionEvent.player, "left..")
// Player command ussage
if (command) {
return console.log("🖥️", command.player, "used command", command.command)
// Player deaths
if (deathEvent) {
return console.log("💀", deathEvent.displayName, "died", deathEvent.message)
// If not handled by methods above,
// Log0 = icon, log1 = message
let log = wsClass.parseLog(data)
console.log(log[0], log[1])