node-runkeeper - Node.js Client for Runkeeper Health Graph API
Author: Mark Soper
A client/wrapper for the Runkeeper Health Graph API:
- node-runkeeper isn't on NPM yet, so for now the best way is cloning the respository from Github and making it available to your code
$ git clone [email protected]:/marksoper/node-runkeeper support/runkeeper/
// in your code
Creating a client
Register your application with Runkeeper to get the credentials needed below:
var options = exports.options = {
// Client ID:
// This value is the OAuth 2.0 client ID for your application.
client_id : "< client id >",
// Client Secret:
// This value is the OAuth 2.0 shared secret for your application.
client_secret : "< client secret >",
// Authorization URL:
// This is the URL to which your application should redirect the user in order to authorize access to his or her RunKeeper account.
auth_url : "",
// Access Token URL:
// This is the URL at which your application can convert an authorization code to an access token.
access_token_url : "",
// Redirect URI:
// This is the URL that RK sends user to after successful auth
// URI naming based on Runkeeper convention
redirect_uri : "< redirect uri >"
var runkeeper = require('./support/runkeeper/lib/runkeeper');
var client = new runkeeper.HealthGraph(options);
Using the client
Using any of the client's API methods assumes that it has a valid access_token. Once the Health Graph API issues your application an authorization code (see here for more information on registering an application with the Health Graph), you can request an access token.
client.getNewToken(authorization_code, function(access_token) {
client.access_token = access_token;
// Now you're free to do whatever you'd like with the client.
// e.g. Get user profile information
client.profile(function(data) {
// data returned in JSON with format depending on type of call
var obj = JSON.parse(data);
Extending the client
Only a few of basic API calls are currently supported. Adding support for new calls should be easy - just add entries into this dictionary in api.js
// this is from api.js
var API = exports.API = {
"user": {"media_type": "application/",
"uri": "/user"},
"profile": {"media_type": "application/",
"uri": "/profile"},
"settings": {"media_type": "application/",
"uri": "/settings"},
"fitnessActivityFeed": {"media_type": "application/",
"uri": "/fitnessActivities"},
"fitnessActivities": {"media_type": "application/",
"uri": "/fitnessActivities"},