Xkeys Save Backlights node for Node-RED using Dynamic Control Data Protocol (DCDP)
This is another in a collection of Node-RED nodes which enable access to X-keys physical devices using the Dynamic Control Data Protocol (DCDP).
Dedicated Node-RED nodes for each X-key event of interest (button, jog, joystick, etc.) will communicate, using MQTT, with a lightweight DCDP server, whose sole purpose is to mediate access to any physically attached X-keys devices.
This xkeys_savebacklights node enables specific X-keys devices to have their current backlights setup saved and then replicated when the device is next restarted or reconnected.
This node requires dcdp-server version 0.1.1 to be running. Please follow the instructions at the dcdp-server development repository to install it or, to upgrade an existing installation, see the dcdp-server upgrade instructions.
The node-red-contrib-xkeys_savebacklights node itself is best installed from Node-RED's Palette manager. Go to the Palette manager's Install tab and search for node-red-contrib-dcdp_savebacklights; then Install it once found. If not found, press the Refresh module list button (two semicircular arrows) and search again.
When installed, a new xk Save BLights node will be found in the palette tab in the dedicated Xkeys category.
The node's configuration editor must be used to explicitly set the target X-keys Device, as well as the Unit ID of the device. The node's own built in button can then be used to save the existing backlight settings of the device.
When configuring the node, a drop down list of possible devices shoud be available. If not, instead displaying just a note to Press Deploy button to see device list
, first follow that advice. If that is unsuccessful (still no list of possible devices), then check the status of the dcdp-server by running the command sudo systemctl status dcdp-server
in a terminal. Typical output of a normally running dcdp-server will be:
pi@pi3b:~ $ sudo systemctl status dcdp-server
● dcdp-server.service - Run dcdp-server as background service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dcdp-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-10-14 09:31:55 AEST; 23h ago
whereas a non-running dcdp-server will show something like:
pi@pi3b:~ $ sudo systemctl status dcdp-server
● dcdp-server.service - Run dcdp-server as background service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dcdp-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: timeout) since Fri 2021-10-15 08:41:37 AEST; 19s ago
If necessary, (re)start the dcdp-server with sudo systemctl restart dcdp-server
Authors and acknowledgment
Many thanks to P.I. Engineering for financial support and donation of several X-keys devices for development and testing.