Node-RED node for converting subflow to node
Node-RED node for packageng exported subflow JSON definition to node module
Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-subflow2node
node is a node for creating a subflow module that can be installed from manage palette menu of Node-RED editor as described documentation page([Packaging a Subflow as a module : Node-RED]).
Since package generation with tools and/or Node-RED editor are being considered by core Node-RED project, this node is intended as a substitution until then.
The subflow2node node accepts the exported SUBFLOW JSON format data and outputs the npm package. A subflow module can be added to the palette by saving this package to a file and uploading it from the manage palette menu in the Node-RED editor.
This node also provides experimental support of flow encoding feature discussed here. Decoding key for flow should be defined by OS environment variable NR_FLOW_DECODE_KEY
Note: A npm module created by this node uses APIs that require at least Node-RED 1.3.
Note: This node expects subflow definition exported from subflow template. Also, generated NPM package may not work for sufblow definitions with nested subflow.
Import example from Inport/Examples/node-red-contrib-subflow2node
01 - generate package
This example use a
node to define subflow json data and afile
node to write package.02 - simple Web UI
This example flow creates a HTTP end-point at http://localhost:1880/subflow2node that provides a simple UI for subflow module generation. In this US, write subflow JSON data, readme in Markdown, and licence text. Pressing send button moves to package download page.
Example Sublow Definition:
[{"id":"921a4b1d.07bb68","type":"subflow","name":"QRcode","info":"","category":"","in":[{"x":140,"y":120,"wires":[{"id":"e563f491.e443f8"}]}],"out":[{"x":380,"y":120,"wires":[{"id":"e563f491.e443f8","port":0}]}],"env":[],"meta":{"module":"node-red-contrib-qrcode","type":"qrcode","version":"0.1.0","author":"[email protected]","desc":"Node-RED node for converting string to QRcode","keywords":"Node-RED, subflow, QRcode","license":"Apache-2.0"},"color":"#87A980","icon":"font-awesome/fa-qrcode"},{"id":"e563f491.e443f8","type":"function","z":"921a4b1d.07bb68","name":"","func":"qrcode.toString(msg.payload, (err,str) => {\n if (err) {\n node.error(err);\n return;\n }\n node.send({payload: str});\n});","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[{"var":"qrcode","module":"qrcode"}],"x":260,"y":120,"wires":[[]]}]