node-red nodes for interacting with reddit
Node-RED nodes for reddit (node-reddit)
A set of node-red nodes for interacting with reddit.
Combine with other nodes to make reddit bots, scrapers and other cool stuff.
npm install node-red-contrib-reddit
Log in with your reddit credentials and the details of a reddit script type app which is associated with your account.
Creating a script type app on reddit
To get the log in credentials, you have to make an app for the account you want to control.
Step 1
Go to your apps page and create a new app with this button:
Step 2
Set up your app and check the 'script' radio button. The redirect URI is required but unused, so make it anything you want. Click create app.
Step 3
Fill in the details in the node edit dialog.
'client ID' is the string below 'personal use script'.
If all of the details are correct, on recieving a message, the node will log in and send the original msg object it recieved.
Nodes which require authentication, such as the post to sub node, can now be used.
Note: The details in this example are not valid.
For examples and ideas see