Node-RED openhab2 helper nodes
Install via the pallet manager or by running the following in the Node-RED user directory (usually ~/.node-red):
npm install node-red-contrib-openhab2-helper
This node converts between different color representations, it can convert between the following systems.
- RGB - Red, Green, Blue
- HSL - Hue, Saturation, Level
- HSV - Hue, Saturation, Value (brightnes)
- CSS - CSS color names
For the first 3 input modes the node will attempt to determine the input format of msg.payload from the 3 following:
- a string with defined separator.
- a 3 segment array with values between 0-255 for RGB.
- a 3 segment array for HSL and HSV with Hue is between 0-360 and Saturation, Level, values 0-100.
- a object with keys red,green,blue with values between 0-255.
- a object with keys hue,saturation,lightness or value,brightness with values between 0-360 for hue and 0-100 for the others.
For the CSS input mode the msg.payload should be a string containing the name of a CSS color.
Output type can be configured to be either a 3 element array, an object or a string. The 3 element array will contian the aproprate values in the same order as expected. Objects will have matching keys and the string will be the values from the array joined with a separator.
If the CSS output mode is selected then the output type will be forced to be a string.