Node RED node for neo4j
Neo4j Bolt with shareable driver
A Node-RED node with the shareable server configuration that lets you run generic cypher queries on a Neo4j graph database and receive all types of Neo4j records.
Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install or home directory (usually ~/.node-red) and will also install needed libraries.
npm install node-red-contrib-neo4j-bolt
First, you define the Neo4j bolt URL and the basic authentication username and password in the configuration node. This node creates a driver which will be shared across all Neo4j-Bolt nodes. Each node creates its own driver session.
You can specify the database to use as msg.database
. If not specified, the driver will use the default.
You can specify a cypher query in the node configuration or pass to the node as msg.query
. The parameters for the query (if needed) are read from msg.params
- Example of hard coded query in the configuration of the node.
MATCH (m:Movie {title: "Forrest Gump"}) return m
- Example of a parameterized query. Query in the configuration:
MATCH (m:Movie {title: $moviename}) return m
{"moviename": "Forrest Gump"}
- Example of both query and params being passed in
MATCH (m:Movie {title: $moviename}) return m
{"moviename": "Forrest Gump"}
The node has two outputs. If the query returns only 1 record, the requested properties of the node are sent to output #1. If the query returns multiple records, an array of requested properties of the nodes are sent to output #2.
This node uses the neo4j-driver package to communicate with Neo4j.
Runtime information
This node was tested to Node.js v7.4.0 and NPM 5.6.0 on Node-Red v0.18.4
This node is based on node-red-contrib-nulli-neo4j by Nulli.