Modified MQTT nodes
A few enhancements on top of the standard MQTT node set
Additional Features
Both the input and output node have an input and an output.
mqtt-plus in
messages can be sent into the new input of this node to select a new subscription.
msg = { cmd: 'subscribe', topic: 'new/topic' }
will change the subscription to 'new/topic'.
msg = { cmd: 'resubscribe' }
will force the node to re-subscribe to the current topic (for example, if previously it was not authorised, and now it is).
msg = { cmd: 'getconnected' }
will cause a message to be sent indicating the subscription state, connection state, and QOS of the current subscription; like:
msg = { subscribed: true|false, connected: true|false, qos: 0|1|2|128 }
(128 indicates error).
The node will produce the same messages on connection, disconnection, and subscription change.
The visual node status will indicate the current subscriptions QOS, or 'disconnected'.
mqtt-plus out
messages can be sent into the input of this node to select request conection information.
msg = { cmd: 'getconnected' }
will cause a message to be sent indicating the connection state; like:
msg = { connected: true|false }
The node will produce the same messages on connection, and disconnection of the mqtt-plus-broker config node from the actual broker.
mqtt-plus-broker - configuration node
This has the same basic behavious as the original mqtt-broker node, just with operational modifications to support the above functionality.
Change Log
- add node-red keyword and publish
- add use of process.env.http_proxy as per latest NR repo mods.
- add use of process.env.no_proxy - NR does not have this yet.
- fixes a crash when a subscribe fails due to invalid topic name/structure
- tweaks to output messages, introduction of 2nd out on mqtt-plus in, and updates to html descriptions
- updates with new functionality
- duplicate of std mqtt node set