Node-RED contribution that adds nodes control of an iRobot iCreate2 that is been setup as a upnp device
This is a collection of nodes to control an iRobot iCreate2 that is connected to a Raspberry PI and is running a service that advertises it on the network as as UPNP device.
To Setup the PI for control of the robot as a UPNP device, see PI, iCreate and UPNP repository.
Once you have the PI running, you can npm install node-red-contrib-icreate-upnp
in your node-red installation that will add a number of nodes to your palette. Start with a robot-discover node, once the robot is dicovered you can use nodes like move-robot to move it a certain distance or turn-robot to turn it a specific angle.
In your Node-RED settings file, you can create a upnp
object with the following properties (all optional), to set the default for the robots you want to discover.
port: 8090; //port for peer to listen
prefix: "/upnp" //path on the localhost:<port> for upnp peer
domain: "schemas-<yourorganization>-com",
See included settings.js file for an example.
Note this contribution library adds a delay to process.exit() so that the UPNP peer can cleanly advertise its close to all peers and unregister from their services. as a result, if you restart node-red in an IDE like Intellij Idea, you may get an "address in use" error. Simply wait a couple of seconds and restart your installation again.