Node.js recommendations module
Node.js recommendations module
$ npm install node-recommendations
Create a Recommendations instance
Which allow you to pass a name (and an options object), used for namespacing within Redis so that you may have several recommendation systems in the same db.
var recommendations = require('node-recommendations');
var options = {
correlation: 'distance' // distance and pearson are implemented
, redisClient: null // [optional] your redis client
var r = recommendations.create('Books',options);
Add people and critics
With a name and an optional id (otherwise the id is generated).
var p = r.addPeople('Joe','optional-id'); // add a new person to the data
p.addItem('Batman',4,'optional-id'); // add a critic score to Joe
p.addItem('Superman',3.5); // another...
Calculate the items similitudes
This calculation is needed to get recommendations for people. The operation is costly, so run it on another machine, or in dead hours.
r.calculateItemsim(function(err,res) { ... });
Get a person by his name
var person = r.getPeopleByName('Joe');
Get recommendations for a person
var recommendations = require('node-recommendations');
var critics = {'Lisa Rose': {'Lady in the Water': 2.5, 'Snakes on a Plane': 3.5,
'Just My Luck': 3.0, 'Superman Returns': 3.5, 'You, Me and Dupree': 2.5,
'The Night Listener': 3.0},
'Gene Seymour': {'Lady in the Water': 3.0, 'Snakes on a Plane': 3.5,
'Just My Luck': 1.5, 'Superman Returns': 5.0, 'The Night Listener': 3.0,
'You, Me and Dupree': 3.5},
'Michael Phillips': {'Lady in the Water': 2.5, 'Snakes on a Plane': 3.0,
'Superman Returns': 3.5, 'The Night Listener': 4.0},
'Claudia Puig': {'Snakes on a Plane': 3.5, 'Just My Luck': 3.0,
'The Night Listener': 4.5, 'Superman Returns': 4.0,
'You, Me and Dupree': 2.5},
'Mick LaSalle': {'Lady in the Water': 3.0, 'Snakes on a Plane': 4.0,
'Just My Luck': 2.0, 'Superman Returns': 3.0, 'The Night Listener': 3.0,
'You, Me and Dupree': 2.0},
'Jack Matthews': {'Lady in the Water': 3.0, 'Snakes on a Plane': 4.0,
'The Night Listener': 3.0, 'Superman Returns': 5.0, 'You, Me and Dupree': 3.5},
'Toby': {'Snakes on a Plane':4.5,'You, Me and Dupree':1.0,'Superman Returns':4.0}};
var r = recommendations.create('test',{correlation: 'pearson'});
for (var j in critics) {
var name = j
, p = r.addPeople(name);
for (var i in critics[name]) p.addItem(i,critics[name][i]);
r.calculateItemsim(function(err,res) { // calculate similar items
if (err) console.error(err);
else {
r.getPeopleByName(, function(err,person) { // get last person
person.getRecommendedItems(function(err,res) {
if (err) console.log(err);
console.log('%o',res); // recommendations for 'person'
To do
- Automatic calculation
Philmod <[email protected]>