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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




QUnit testing framework for Node.js





QUnit testing framework for Node.js


  • cli
  • testrunner api
  • test coverage via istanbul
  • tests inside of one testfile run synchronous, but every testfile runs parallel
  • tests from each file run in its own spawned node process
  • same API for client and server side code (original QUnit is used)
  • the simplest API of the world, especially for asynchronous testing
  • you can write tests in TDD or BDD style depending on your task and test type
  • you can run the same tests in browser if there is no dependencies to node
  • generators support


$ npm i node-qunit

Package Name Up to 1.0.0

Up until version 1.0.0, this package was published under the name qunit. That name is now used by the official QUnit package and CLI, and this package will be published as node-qunit from version 1.0.0 onward.

Additionally, prior to 1.0.0, the node-qunit package was a different project that was deprecated and now lives under the name qnit.


The only exception

// Separate tests into modules.
// Use `QUnit` namespace, because `module` is reserved for node.
QUnit.module(name, lifecycle)


Command line

Read full cli api doc using "--help" or "-h":

$ qunit -h

$ qunit -c ./code.js -t ./tests.js

By default, code and dependencies are added to the global scope. To specify requiring them into a namespace object, prefix the path or module name with the variable name to be used for the namespace object, followed by a colon:

$ qunit -c code:./code.js -d utils:utilmodule -t ./time.js

via api

var testrunner = require("node-qunit");

// Defaults:
    // logging options
    log: {

        // log assertions overview
        assertions: true,

        // log expected and actual values for failed tests
        errors: true,

        // log tests overview
        tests: true,

        // log summary
        summary: true,

        // log global summary (all files)
        globalSummary: true,

        // log coverage
        coverage: true,

        // log global coverage (all files)
        globalCoverage: true,

        // log currently testing code file
        testing: true

    // run test coverage tool
    coverage: false,

    // define dependencies, which are required then before code
    deps: null,

    // define namespace your code will be attached to on global['your namespace']
    namespace: null,

    // max amount of ms child can be blocked, after that we assume running an infinite loop
    maxBlockDuration: 2000
// change any option for all tests globally
testrunner.options.optionName = value;

// or use setup function
    log: {
        summary: true

// one code and tests file{
    code: "/path/to/your/code.js",
    tests: "/path/to/your/tests.js"
}, callback);

// require code into a namespace object, rather than globally{
    code: {path: "/path/to/your/code.js", namespace: "code"},
    tests: "/path/to/your/tests.js"
}, callback);

// one code and multiple tests file{
    code: "/path/to/your/code.js",
    tests: ["/path/to/your/tests.js", "/path/to/your/tests1.js"]
}, callback);

// array of code and test files[
        code: "/path/to/your/code.js",
        tests: "/path/to/your/tests.js"
        code: "/path/to/your/code.js",
        tests: "/path/to/your/tests.js"
], callback);

// using testrunner callback{
    code: "/path/to/your/code.js",
    tests: "/path/to/your/tests.js"
}, function(err, report) {

// specify dependency{
    deps: "/path/to/your/dependency.js",
    code: "/path/to/your/code.js",
    tests: "/path/to/your/tests.js"
}, callback);

// dependencies can be modules or files{
    deps: "modulename",
    code: "/path/to/your/code.js",
    tests: "/path/to/your/tests.js"
}, callback);

// dependencies can required into a namespace object{
    deps: {path: "utilmodule", namespace: "utils"},
    code: "/path/to/your/code.js",
    tests: "/path/to/your/tests.js"
}, callback);

// specify multiple dependencies{
    deps: ["/path/to/your/dependency1.js", "/path/to/your/dependency2.js"],
    code: "/path/to/your/code.js",
    tests: "/path/to/your/tests.js"
}, callback);

Writing tests

QUnit API and code which have to be tested are already loaded and attached to the global context.

Some tests examples

test("a basic test example", function (assert) {
    assert.ok(true, "this test is fine");
    var value = "hello";
    assert.equal("hello", value, "We expect value to be hello");

QUnit.module("Module A");

test("first test within module", function (assert) {
    assert.ok(true, "a dummy");

test("second test within module", function (assert) {
    assert.ok(true, "dummy 1 of 2");
    assert.ok(true, "dummy 2 of 2");

QUnit.module("Module B", {
    setup: function () {
        // do some initial stuff before every test for this module
    teardown: function () {
        // do some stuff after every test for this module

test("some other test", function (assert) {
    assert.equal(true, false, "failing test");
    assert.equal(true, true, "passing test");

QUnit.module("Module C", {
    setup: function() {
        // setup a shared environment for each test
        this.options = { test: 123 };

test("this test is using shared environment", function (assert) {
    assert.deepEqual({ test: 123 }, this.options, "passing test");

test("this is an async test example", function (assert) {
    var done = assert.stop();
    setTimeout(function () {
        assert.ok(true, "finished async test");
        assert.strictEqual(true, true, "Strict equal assertion uses ===");
    }, 100);

Generators support

test("my async test with generators", function* (assert) {
    var data = yield asyncFn();
    assert.equal(data, {a: 1}, 'generators work');

Run tests

$ npm it


Code coverage via Istanbul.

To utilize, install istanbul and set option coverage: true or give a path where to store report coverage: {dir: "coverage/path"} or pass --cov parameter in the shell.

To specify the format of coverage report pass reporters array to the coverage options: coverage: {reporters: ['lcov', 'json']} (default)

Coverage calculations based on code and tests passed to node-qunit.