use sklearn models in node
node-py-skmodel is a NPM package to get predictions from scikit-learn models(.pkl files) in node js. Requires python in PATH with pandas installed. This is intended for testing and development purposes only since it uses child_process
Software requirements
- Python is installed
- Python command is accessible through terminal (Added to PATH)
- Pandas library is installed
Files required
- .pkl file of the scikit-learn model to be used
The model needs to be packaged into a pickle file(.pkl) to be loaded into the program. This can be done using the pickle model in python after training and testing the model
import pickle
with open("modelName.pkl","wb") as file:
#model is a scikit-learn model object that has been fitted
#the file will be saved in the same directory as this py script
using npm :
$ npm install node-py-skmodel
Once installed the library can be imported using require()
const PyModel = require("node-py-skmodel");
Initialize Model
First Initialize an object of the PyModel class by passing the path of the model.pkl file.
Note: The path of model.pkl file must be passed from the root of the project i.e from the same directory as the node_modules folder
This is because the library looks for the model.pkl file from the path starting from the same directory as node_modules
const model = new PyModel("./models/mymodelname.pkl");
//Here models is a folder in the same directory as node_modules
Prepare data
The input data to the model must be passed as a Javascript Map()
Object. Every key in the Map()
must correspond to the name of a feature and the value should be an array of values for that feature for every row
let data = new Map([
['x1', [110,12,-4953,453,23,-56]],
['x2', [1334.345,-23,-45,45,45,-23]]
//x1 and x2 are names of the input features
//this dataset has 2 columns and 6 rows
//the arrays contain the values for the feature for all 6 rows
data = Map(2) {
'x1' => [ 110, 12, -4953, 453, 23, -56 ],
'x2' => [ 1334.345, -23, -45, 45, 45, -23 ]
The feature names given to the map must match the feature names and order with which the model was trained
Get predictions
To get a prediction from the model, call the predict()
method with the data in the above format.
Note: The predict()
method is asynchronous and returns a promise
The predictions are retured in the JSON format and needs to be parsed with JSON.parse()
let res = await model.predict(data);
let predictions = JSON.parse(res);
The structure of the output depends on the type of the model and the data passed
For Classification
//input data with 2 features
let data = new Map([
['x1', [110,12,-4953]],
['x2', [1334.345,-23,-45]]
//output data
[ 1, 0, 1 ]
For Regression
//input data with 4 features and 2 rows
let data = new Map([
['x1', [-1.5832,1.3]],
['x2', [2.4124,-1.1]],
['x3', [0.0239,0.93]],
['x4', [-0.8986,-0.3]]
//output data with 2 predicted target features for 2 rows
[ 4.4787611463874635, 4.996385307992549 ], //row 1
[ 9.03510439367713, 46.88473858460242 ] //row 2
Full Examples
const PyModel = require("node-py-skmodel");
async function main(){
let mymodel = new PyModel("./models/simpleModel.pkl");
let data = new Map([
['x1', [110,12,-4953]],
['x2', [1334.345,-23,-45]]
let res = await mymodel.predict(data);
const PyModel = require("node-py-skmodel");
async function main(){
let model = new PyModel("./models/simpleregmodel.pkl");
let data = new Map([
['x1', [-1.5832,1.3]],
['x2', [2.4124,-1.1]],
['x3', [0.0239,0.93]],
['x4', [-0.8986,-0.3]]
let res = await model.predict(data);
let pred = JSON.parse(res);