What's my problem ? : => fount nothing js based that can handle multiple websocket servers like "haproxy" or "nginx"
Proxy Load Balancer
What's my problem ? : => fount nothing js based that can handle multiple websocket servers like "haproxy" or "nginx"
What is this ? the nearest solution i fount was the 7years old upstream-proxy that can handle 1 endpoint per hostname, just added array and filtering to it (+ ssl support 👌)
proxy constructor :
config = {}, /* same as setConfig ({
name: 'localhost-websocket',
hostnames: ['localhost'],
endpoint: [{ host: '', port: port1 },
{host: '', port: port2 }]
}) */
callbacks = {}, /* custom functions for status codes, same as upstream-proxy */
ssl = {}, /* same config as tls.createServer */
scale = 'linear' /* 'linear' or 'random'(buggy👀) */
upstream balancing just add more endpoints to the config entry :
name: 'localhost-websocket',
hostnames: ['localhost'],
endpoint: [{ host: '', port: port1 },{ host: '', port: port2 }]
check the tests forked from : upstream-proxy