Simple module to work with saving/searching/deleting any objects using embed nosql file database, for small projects.
Simple module to work with saving/searching/deleting any objects using embed nosql file database, for small projects.
NOTE: Multiple types of objects can be stored in a single database file with different key names, if needed.
Example on RunKit:
var objectsDb = require("node-objects-database");
objectsDb.start("<database_file_name>"); // .nosql will be appended automatically. Use multiple instances for multiple file databases OR use different keys for different kinds of objects.
objectsDb.set("productId", {productId: "key_5678", name: "A good product", description: "This is a good product."}); // creates an object in the file database and updates it if already exists.
objectsDb.get("productId", "key_5678"); // get object by key
objectsDb.insert("productId", {productId: "key_5679", name: "Another good product", description: "This is another good product."}); // inserts new object, if the key already exists it will be ignored.
objectsDb.update("productId", {productId: "key_5679", name: "Another good product", description: "This is another good product.", weight: "1.2 kg"}); // updates an existing object, ignores if not already added.
objectsDb.find(); // gets all objects in the file database
objectsDb.find("productId", "key_5678"); // same as objectsDb.get("productId", "key_5678"); as it gets single object
objectsDb.find("productId"); // gets all objects which have the key name productId
objectsDb.find({name: "Another good product", weight: "1.2 kg"}); // searches multiple fields and gets all the related objects
objectsDb.count(); // gets count of all objects in the file database
objectsDb.count("productId") // gets count of objects with particular key only
objectsDb.remove("productId", "key_5678"); // searches by key and removes the object, ignores if not found
objectsDb.clear(); // clears all objects from the file database
IMPORTANT: All the above methods are asynchronous, so you should use .then .catch to check if actions are done, for example:
objectsDb.set("productId", {productId: "key_5678", name: "A good product", description: "This is a good product."})
.then(function(response) {
// object was saved.
.catch(function(error) {
// error occured.
var objectsDb = require("node-objects-database");
(async function() {
await objectsDb.set("productId", {productId: "key_5678", name: "A good product", description: "This is a good product."});
var product = await objectsDb.get("productId", "key_5678");
await objectsDb.insert("productId", {productId: "key_5679", name: "Another good product", description: "This is another good product."});
var products = await objectsDb.find();
objectsDb.db(); // returns full nosql object to work with
Version history:
v0.0.5: Fixed .get() to return single object instead of array.
v0.0.6: Fixed .set() updating object if it exists. Issue came because of 0.0.5 update. Made .set() & .update() more flexible. Instead of overwriting full object, an object is now actually saved by checking what properties it already has and adding/updating new ones.