Publish events to the MOOG AIOps REST LAM
Moogsoft AIOps REST Client for Node.js
Allows connecting to the Moogsoft AIOps REST LAM and sending events to be used by the algorithmic processing functions of the product.
- Provides a formatted event object with reasonable defaults
- Provides for passing the shared secret
- Provides specific port designation
$ npm install node-moog
Simple Event Generation
Populate a pre configured event object MoogEvent(mEvent)
mEvent is an optional default event template, if none is supplied then reasonable defaults are used for many fields
var MoogEvent = require('node-moog').MoogEvent;
myEvent = new MoogEvent();
myEvent.description = 'My new description';
Elements available in an event.
- myEvent.signature //String
- myEvent.source_id //String
- myEvent.external_id //String
- myEvent.manager //String
- myEvent.source //String
- myEvent.class //String
- myEvent.agent_location //String
- myEvent.type //String
- myEvent.severity //Int
- myEvent.description //String
- myEvent.first_occurred // Epoch Int
- myEvent.agent_time // Epoch Int
Create a connection
Create a connection to the REST LAM moogREST(options)
options is an object containing connection specific settings
var moogRest = require('node-moog').moogREST({'url':'http://hostname:8888','auth_token':'my_secret'});
auth_token is optional and depends on the REST LAM configuration.
var moogRest = require('node-moog').moogREST({'url':'http://hostname:8888','authUser':'graze','authPass':'xxxxx'});
authUser and authPass are for basic auth and depend on the REST LAM configuration, it is strongly advised to use basic auth with tls, requires version 5.0.7+ of moog REST LAM.
To use tls (https)
To pass a server crt file pass the parameter options.certFile as a file path to the server crt.
To pass a client crt file use options.caFile as the path, if you want a client cert you must also pass a server cert.
var moog = require('node-moog');
// Set the options to your specific configuration.
var options = {'url':'https://hostname:8881',
'certFile' : '../ssl/server.crt',
'caFile' : '../ssl/client.crt'
// Create a proforma event
var moogEvent = new moog.MoogEvent();
// Init a connection object
var moogRest = moog.moogREST(options);
When creating the Proforma you can pass a partial MoogEvent as a default, if not, default values will be provided for you.
Submit an event
Very simple to now submit an event to the REST LAM
moogEvent.description = 'My new description';
// Many defaults are set for you.
The moogEvent can be a single event or an array of events
The submit is an event emitter and will currently provide 2 events, ok and error
NOTE: These may change/expand in the future to give more detail on the event progress
moogRest.sendEvent(moogEvent, function (res, rtn) {
if (rtn == 200) {
console.log('moogRest message sent, return code: ' + rtn);
console.log('moogRest result: ' + res.message);
} else {
console.log('moogRest - ' + rtn);
console.log('moogRest - ' + res);
Use a Proxy
To use an outbound proxy just add your favorate agent.
Example code using proxy-agent.
var ProxyAgent = require('proxy-agent');
var proxyUri = process.env.http_proxy || 'http://user:[email protected]:3128';
var options = {
url: 'https://moogtest/rest_lam',
authUser: 'moog_user',
authPass: '****',
agent: new ProxyAgent(proxyUri)
var moogEvent = new moog.MoogEvent();
var moogREST = moog.moogREST(options);
Additional fields can be added to the event object and they will be passed to the overflow property of the alert.