A tool to pack Node.js module files with the special `require` function into one `.js` file.
node module linker
A tool to pack Node.js module files with the special require
function into one .js
Version info:
Version: 0.9.1
Stability: 1 - Experimental (but almost Stable)
Date: 2016-03-07
- Add ./util/fs : it's tiny fs (only few methods) to search packed files in nml output.
- Change option tag name in package.json, to 'nmlConfig'.
- Change 'loaded' flag rule for main module. It's for original kernelfile function.
Related package
- 'codegs-core' includes some Node.js core modules.
First example
// main.js
var lib = require('./lib.js');
console.log('3 + 4 = ' + lib.sum(3, 4));
// lib.js
module.exports.sum = function (a, b) {
return a + b;
those are valid Node.js modules.
$ node main.js
3 + 4 = 7
Then, try:
$ nml main.js
and you see merged long source code:
$ nml main.js
function(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
// lib.js
module.exports.sum = function (a, b) {
return a + b;
// main.js
var lib = require('./lib');
console.log('3 + 4 = ' + lib.sum(3, 4));
function require(path) {
require = (function () {
That code includes main.js
, lib.js
and special 'require' function.
$ nml main.js -o out.js
$ node out.js
3 + 4 = 7
In this case out.js runs alone without original lib.js. And you can run out.js in other javascript environment.
ex.1 Browser
1. Create html file to load out.js.
<script type="text/javascript" src="out.js"></script>
2. Open that file in browser.
3. You'll see results in javascript console window.
ex.2 Google apps script
1. Create new GoogleAppsScript project and import ['gas-console'](
2. Paste `out.js` into `` file.
3. On menu bar, select `require` as execute function.
4. `Run` or `Debug` button
5. You'll see results in gas-console window.
$ npm install -g node-module-linker
$ nml MAINMODULE [ options ]
node-module-linker needs some information to work. Options let nml know those information.
Minimum info to work
- Main module
- Project directory
- Source files
- Output file
Main module
Specify by command line, or package.json
- nml let mainfile place to run first. and only this module will be put in global scope.
- It should be relative to the root of project directory.
Project directory
Current working directory, or directory of package.json
specified by command line.
- nml needs file path information to pack files for
. But full path(it may includes yhour personal name) is not suitable to emmbed sourcefile. For this, nml handle Project directory as a root(/).
Source files or directory
Command line option -s
/ --source
or project directory by default.
Or, specified with files
tag in package.json
- One or more files/directories are able to set. Those files should be under the project directory.
- If not set by commandline option or
, nml use project directory as source directory.
Output file
Command line option -o
/ --output
or stdout
by default.
Advanced Info to do more
- node_modules
- Core modules
- Node core modules
- nml_kernel (Experimental)
No command line option. All modules in PROJECT/node_modules/
will be packed, by default.
Or, only specified modules in package.json
with dependencies
nml can handle node_modules.
To load modules in
, no need to code fully filepath. Both of bellow are valid.var argv = require('/node_modules/argv.js'); var argv = require('argv');
Core modules
is default directory. or Any other directory set by option -c
/ --core
Or, set in 'package.json'.
"nmlConfig": {
"core": [ "your/core/files" ]
Core modules are able to load without directory name such as 'assert', 'http' in Node.js. It's same as node_modules, but always this takes priority.
Modules in this directory, nml will assume to be core module. These modules will be laid out hidden path in output file.
NodeCore modules
is default directory. or Any other directory set by option -n
/ --nodecore
Or set in 'package.json'.
"nmlConfig": {
"node_core": [ "your/node_core/files" ]
As same as Core modules. It's priority is between core module and node_modules.
Core module > NodeCore modules > node_modules
This directory is for Node.js core modules. If you want to use Node.js core files such as util, assert, etc. put it in this directory.
See also codegs-core
nml kernel (Experimental)
nml pack user modules with special 'require' function in 'module.js' of this project by default. This option '-k' / '--kernel' changes that file to other user file.
- An output file of nml can be input file as nml kernel file.
- At first, pack favorite libralies in one .js file, then you can use it as kernel file including your favorite libralies.
Limitation and Enhancement
No Node.js Global Objects.
Node.js has some global objects (
But pure nml provides only one function 'require'. No other global namespace pollution.
See also codegs-core
Enhancement require to get Global Objects.
Browser or Google Apps Script also provides global objects such as Logger
, SpreadsheetApp
, etc.
'require()' of nml returns global object by name. It means this code returns original Logger object at Google apps script environment.
var log = require('Logger');
memo This is for debugging target code on Node.js. Using this, It's easy to inject API objects.
When you want to use mock-Logger or mock-spreadsheet,.. write mock and put it in node_modules directory of parent directry.
ex. if your project root dir is /home/path/to/project/
, then put mock in /home/path/to/node_modules
Node.js search that path and find mock(should be named Logger
nml doesn't pack that mock(Because it locate outside project.). and in GAS environment, require
returns REAL objects.