A Lisp for Node.js
Node Lisper
A Lisp for Node.js
(defvar hello "Hello World")
(log (concatenate hello "!!!"))
; naive exponential time complexity
(defun fibonacci n
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fibonacci (- n 1))
(fibonacci (- n 2)))))
(fibonacci 10) ; 55
; to use memo (hashmap) you need to import ALL of these functions
(import std "index-of" "find" "find-index" "map" "array-in-bounds?")
(import ds "hash-index" "hash-table?" "hash-table-add!" "hash-table-get" "hash-table")
(import math "min" "euclidean-mod")
(defun fibonacci-memoized n memo (if (< n 2) n
(if (hash-table? memo n) (hash-table-get memo n)
(defconstant cache (+ (fibonacci-memoized (- n 1) memo) (fibonacci-memoized (- n 2) memo)))
(hash-table-add! memo n cache)
(fibonacci-memoized 10 (hash-table 10)) ; 55
The above function is included in math module In addition there is a type definition, a documentation, list of dependencies and tests
; fibonacci-memoized
(defun fibonacci-memoized-documentation
; list of dependenies
(import ds "hash-table" "hash-table-get" "hash-table?" "hash-table-add!")
(import math "euclidean-mod")
(import std "map" "find-index" "array-in-bounds?" "index-of" "find")
; tests
(case "1" (fibonacci-memoized 1 (hash-table 10)) 1)
(case "2" (fibonacci-memoized 2 (hash-table 10)) 1)
(case "5" (fibonacci-memoized 5 (hash-table 10)) 5)
(case "6" (fibonacci-memoized 6 (hash-table 10)) 8)
(case "10" (fibonacci-memoized 10 (hash-table 10)) 55)
(case "20" (fibonacci-memoized 20 (hash-table 10)) 6765)
; documentation
"An optimal implementaiton of fibonacci sequance."))
; type definition
(deftype fibonacci-memoized (Lambda (Or (Number)) (Or (Array (Array))) (And (Or (Array (Array))) (Number))))
; function
(defun fibonacci-memoized n memo (if (< n 2) n
(if (hash-table? memo n) (hash-table-get memo n)
(defconstant cache (+ (fibonacci-memoized (- n 1) memo) (fibonacci-memoized (- n 2) memo)))
(hash-table-add! memo n cache)
Calling the documentation function in interpretation mode shows the info and runs the tests to run the tests make sure you have the dependencies imported if they are needed
(import ds "hash-table" "hash-table-get" "hash-table?" "hash-table-add!")
(import math "euclidean-mod")
(import std "map" "find-index" "array-in-bounds?" "index-of" "find")
(documentation math fibonacci-memoized)
; Define reusable functions
(defun binary-search
array target (do
(loop defun search
arr target start end (do
(when (<= start end) (do
(defvar index (floor (* (+ start end) 0.5)))
(defvar current (get arr index))
(if (= target current) target
(if (> current target)
(search arr target start (- index 1))
(search arr target (+ index 1) end)))))))
(search array target 0 (length array))))
(import std "push!""reduce")
(import math "range" "product")
(defun factorial n
(range 1 n)
(factorial 10)
; yarn lisp -s /leetcode.lisp -d ./leetcode.js -c
(import std "number-of")
(import math "max" "positive?" "negative?")
(deftype maximum-count (Lambda (Or (Array (Number))) (Or (Number))))
(defun maximum-count nums (max (number-of nums negative?) (number-of nums positive?)))
; Variadic function
(defconstant product (function args (do
(loop defun iterate arr initial
(if (length arr)
(iterate (cdr arr) (* initial (car arr)))
(iterate args 1))))
(log (product 10 20 30))
(import std "fold" "concat")
; Variadic function
(defconstant foldcat (function args (fold args (lambda a b (concat a b)) ())))
(foldcat (Array 1 2 3) (Array 4 5 6) (Array 7 8 9)) ; (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
; Many faces of math symbols
; depending on the number of arguments
(*) ; 1
(/) ; 0
(* 2 3) ; 6
(/ 10) ; 0.1
(/ 10 2) ; 5
(- 1) ; -1
(- 2 1) ; 1
Simple CLI usage - create main.js
import cli from 'node-lisper/cli'
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"lisp": "node index.js"
yarn lisp -file <filepath> -r
npm run lisp -- -file <filepath> -r
or compile
yarn lisp -s <filepath lisp> -d <filepath js> -c
npm run lisp -- -s <filepath lisp> -d <filepath js> -c
show help
yarn lisp -help
npm run lisp -- -help
-lib target lib
-doc list lib functions
-import log import for lib
-s prepare a file
-d file to compile js
-c compile to js
-r interpret & run
-p interpret & run with 0 deps
-m minify code
-repl start Read Eval Print Loop
Search available functions in libraries
yarn lisp -lib ds -doc binary
Parse, Interpred & Compile
import lisp from 'node-lisper'
lisp.parse('(+ 1 2)') // [[{ t: 'f', v: '+' }, { t: 'a', v: 1 }, { t: 'a', v: 2 }]]
lisp.interpred('(+ 1 2)') // 3
lisp.compile('(+ 1 2)') // 3 but faster!
lisp.js(lisp.parse('(+ 1 2)')).program // (1 + 2); as js
Compiles to JavaScript
(import std "except" "map" "reduce")
(Array 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 101)
(except (lambda x . . (= (mod x 2) 1)))
(map (lambda x . . (* x 2)))
(reduce (lambda a x . . (+ a x)) 0))
except([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 101], (x, _1, _2) => {
return +(x % 2 === 1)
(x, _1, _2) => {
return x * 2
(a, x, _2, _3) => {
return a + x
; Tail Call Optimization
(loop defun sum-below number sum (do
(if (= number 0) sum (sum-below (- number 1) (+ sum number)))))
(log (sum-below 10000 0))
var log = (msg) => { console.log(msg) return msg },
tco = (fn) => (...args) => {
let result = fn(...args)
while (typeof result === 'function') result = result()
return result
var sumBelow, rec_32721849989891052
;(sumBelow = tco(
(rec_32721849989891052 = (number, sum) => {
return +(number === 0)
? sum
: () => rec_32721849989891052(number - 1, sum + number)
log(sumBelow(10000, 0))
Types validated by interpretation
(deftype find-bag (Lambda
; ((("golden" "yellow") ((0 "dark" "blue") (2 "silver" "gray") ... )) ... )
(Or (Array (Array (Array (String) (String)) (Array (Array (Number) (String) (String))))))
(Or (String)) ; "golden"
(Or (String)) ; "yellow"
; ((0 "dark" "blue") (2 "silver" "gray") ... )
(Array (Array (String) (String)) (Array (Array (Number) (String) (String))))
; 0 - couldn't find
(defun find-bag bags left right
(find bags
(lambda x . . (and
(= (car (car x)) left)
(= (car (cdr (car x))) right)))))