Node.js API for Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0
Node.js API for Intel® RealSense™ Depth Cameras
This module works with Intel® RealSense™ D400 series camera (and SR300 camera). It's part of the Intel® librealsense open source project.
Sample Usage
const rs2 = require('node-librealsense');
const colorizer = new rs2.Colorizer(); // This will make depth image pretty
const pipeline = new rs2.Pipeline(); // Main work pipeline of RealSense camera
pipeline.start(); // Start camera
const frameset = pipeline.waitForFrames(); // Get a set of frames
const depth = frameset.depthFrame; // Get depth data
const depthRGB = colorizer.colorize(depth); // Make depth image pretty
const color = frameset.colorFrame; // Get RGB image
// TODO: use frame buffer data
// Before exiting, do cleanup.
More examples can be found in examples directory of the module.
1. Install Prerequisites
Setup Windows 10 Build Environment
Install Python 2.7.xx, make sure "
Add python.exe to Path
" is checked during the installation.Install Visual Studio 2015 or 2017. The
Visual Studio 2017 Community
version also works. After installation, make suremsbuild.exe
is in PATH, e.g "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin
"Install CMake, make sure
is in system PATH (Choose "Add CMake to the system PATH for all users
" or "Add CMake to the system PATH for the current user
" during the installation).
Note: The npm module windows-build-tools
is not suffcient to build the native C++ librealsense.
Setup Ubuntu Linux 16.04 Build Environment
sudo apt install -y libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config libgtk-3-dev libglfw3-dev cmake
Please refer to Linux installation doc or Windows installation doc for full document of C++ librealsense build environment setup.
Setup Mac OS Build Environment
Note: OSX support for the full range of functionality offered by the SDK is not yet complete.
Install XCode 6.0+ via the AppStore.
Install the Homebrew package manager via terminal - link
Install the following packages via brew:
brew install libusb pkg-config
brew install homebrew/versions/glfw3
brew install cmake
Setup Necessary Global NPM Packages
npm install -g jsdoc
2. Instal node-librealsense Module
npm install --save node-librealsense
It will take a while to build C++ librealsense library, and then the Node.js addon will be built. If both of them succeed, the node-librealsense module is ready to use.
3. Run Examples
When it's installed, you can run examples to see if it works fine. Plug in your Intel® RealSense™ camera and do the following:
cd node-librealsense/examples
npm install
node nodejs-capture.js
List of Examples
: capture and then align RGB image frames to depth image frames, using depth info to remove background by a distance threshold.nodejs-capture.js
: display RGB image frames and colorized depth image frames that are captured in real timenodejs-save-to-disk.js
: capture a RGB image frame and a depth image frame, then save both of them to disk file (*.png)nodejs-pointcloud.js
: capture RGB image frames and depth image frames, and then use them to generate and visualize textured 3D pointcloud
4. API Reference Document
Open node-librealsense/doc/index.html
for full reference document. If it isn't there, run the following commands to generate it:
cd node-librealsense/
npm run doc
5. Compatibility
List of supported platforms
- Windows 10 + Node.js x64 & ia32 - supported
- Windows 8.1 + Node.js x64 & ia32 - theoretically supported. Not verified yet.
- Ubuntu 16.04 + Node.js x64 & ia32 - supported
- Node.js v8 - supported
- Node.js v6 LTS - You might need to upgrade npm-bundled
to support Visual Studio 2017 (if you're using it)