This single-dependency library provides a simple API to render HTML content using <a href="">Puppeteer</a> (A headless chromium brower) into png and jpeg images, insuring security and efficiency in the process. Writte
This single-dependency library provides a simple API to render HTML content using Puppeteer (A headless chromium brower) into png and jpeg images, insuring security and efficiency in the process. Written in TypeScript, it comes with native typings, supporting both CommonJS & ES6 imports.
Question: Why use this over other libraries?
This library is actively maintained, and uses a persistant browser instance to render the content, allowing it to render images within a matter of milliseconds after starting. On top of this, Network Requests & Javascript can be disabled within the rendering process to avoid any potential security issues.
Question: What processing power is needed?
Anything that's able to run an instance of chrome is able to render images, only one instance of chromium is open at a time, with each 'concurrent' instance just being an additional tab on the browser, so the overhead isn't too bad.
Question: Can I use CSS?
Yes, all css is supported, and can be done inline or as a <style></style> block.
Question: Why can't the library do xyz?
If it can't do something, create an issue for it and i'll be happy to add any missing features!
| Name | Description | Type | |-------------|---------------------------------------------------------|--------| | concurrency | The amount of tabs/render jobs that can process at once | number | | timeout | The max timeout a tab should wait before giving up. | number | | disableJavaScript | Disable JavaScript in the browser. | boolean | | disableNetwork | Disable network in the browser. | boolean |
| Name | Description | Type | |-------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------| | omitBackground | An optional parameter to disable the white background behind the image when rendering a PNG. | boolean | | selector | An optional parameter to select which element to render an image of. If unspecified, the entire page will be rendered. View for more information on CSS selectors. | string | | fullPage | A deprecated parameter to choose to screenshot the whole page or a portion of it. | boolean | | quality | An optional number from 1 to 100 to determine the quality of a JEPG exported image. | number | | type | An optional parameter to choose the type of image to take. jpeg, png, or webp, (PNG being the default.) | string |
Simple Rendering
// In an Async Context,
const NodeImageFromHtml = require("node-image-from-html");
const fs = require("fs");
const engine = new NodeImageFromHtml.BrowserHandler();
await engine.start();
const rendered = await engine.render("<h1>Node-Image-From-HTML</h1>");
// Write the rendered buffer
fs.writeFileSync("renderedImage.png", rendered);
Multiple Renders
In the situation where there's more rendering jobs than there are available tabs, the engine will automatically queue the jobs, only processing a new one when the previous one is finished, while still making sure that all the tabs are rendering.
const NodeImageFromHtml = require("..");
const fs = require("fs");
// 5 concurrent rendering jobs.
const engine = new NodeImageFromHtml.BrowserHandler({ concurrency: 5 });
// Using an IIFE to provide an async context.
(async () => {
await engine.start();
const renders = 25;
// Giving the element a unique id allows us to only screenshot the element using a CSS selector,
const html = "<h1 id='title'>Node-Image-From-HTML</h1>";
const promises = [];
// Add the promises to queue
for (let i = 0; i < renders; i++) {
promises.push(engine.render(html, {
omitBackground: true,
fullPage: false,
selector: "#title"
// Write the files once they finish.
const startTime =;
const results = await Promise.all(promises)
console.log(`Finished in ${ - startTime}ms`);
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
fs.writeFileSync(`renderedImage${i}.png`, results[i]);
Embedding Images
The library exposes a 'utils' object, containing methods useful for the library. In this case, we can transform an image buffer into a data URI, letting us insert into the rendered image.
const NodeImageFromHtml = require("..");
const fs = require("fs");
const engine = new NodeImageFromHtml.BrowserHandler();
(async () => {
await engine.start();
const buffer = fs.readFileSync("./myImage.png");
const html = `
<div id="ImageExample">
<h1>An embedded image!</h1>
<img src="${NodeImageFromHtml.utils.toDataUri(buffer)}" />
const rendered = await engine.render(html, { selector: "#ImageExample" });
fs.writeFileSync("myImage.png", rendered);
Commit Guidelines
The latest version of the code base will always be under the 'next' branch!
- All pull requiests must provide a valid reason for the change or implementation
- All CORE CHANGES require an issue with reasoning made before a PR will even be addressed.
- All PR's must follow the general structure of the code base
- If you have questions, feel free to make an issue and i'll get to it right away!