Crawler (spider) of site web pages by domain name
Crawler of html-pages for node.js
Simple in use crawler (spider) of site web pages by domain name.
Written for node.js, using ES6.
Provides a very simple event interface using EventEmitter
Be sure, by reading the instruction and examples.
Main goals of the module
- Find all the links on the site's HTML pages
- Get headers for all the links found
- Load the contents of all found HTML pages
Install with npm:
npm install node-html-crawler --save
Include module in script:
const Crawler = require('node-html-crawler');
Create instance of a class Crawler
by passing the domain name:
const crawler = new Crawler('');
Or with more advanced settings:
const crawler = new Crawler({
protocol: 'https:', // default 'http:'
domain: '', // default ''
limitForConnections: 15, // number of simultaneous connections, default 10
limitForRedirects: 5, // possible number of redirects, default 5
timeout: 500, // number of milliseconds between pending connection, default 300
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0', // default header
'Cookie': 'name=value', // advanced header
urlFilter: (url) => true, // default filter
Start crawling and subscribe to events:
crawler.on('data', data => { ... }); // some html-page a loaded
crawler.on('error', error => { ... }); // error in crawling
crawler.on('end', () => { ... }); // all pages found are crawled and loaded
Event data
returns the following data:
url: '',
result: {
requestMethod: 'HEAD', // or GET for html-page
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
server: 'Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)',
'content-type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
// and other headers
body: '<html>...</html>', // html content
links: [ // found links in html content, for 301 only one item
href: '/other/path', // value attr href in html page
url: '' // full internal links, for external is false
// other found links
Using the urlFilter
Sometimes you want more control over which pages are crawled. Maybe you only want to skip pages that match a pattern, or some similar type of thing. For these situations you can use the urlFilter
option to supply a filter function.
The urlFilter
option should be a function which accepts a single argument which is the URL being considered for crawling. This function's prime objective is for exclusion, not inclusion. If your function returns a falsey value, then the URL will be skipped even if it otherwise would have been included.
Simple console application
Application finds all the URLs and outputs to the console the server response code and the full URL of the document.
node examples/simple-app.js
const Crawler = require('../crawler');
const domain = process.argv[2];
const crawler = new Crawler(domain);
crawler.on('data', (data) => console.log(data.result.statusCode, data.url));
crawler.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
crawler.on('end', () => console.log(`Finish! All urls on domain ${domain} a crawled!`));
Find bad internal links on site
Application looks for links on all pages of the site and saves their statuses in the csv-file. Thus, you can find bad internal links.
node examples/check-ex-links-on-domain.js
const fs = require('fs');
const Crawler = require('../crawler');
const domain = process.argv[2];
const crawler = new Crawler({
timeout: 500,
const siteTree = { pages: [], urls: {}, redirects: {} };
const getFinalStatusCodeOfRedirects = (url) => {
if (/30\d/.test(siteTree.urls[url])) return getFinalStatusCodeOfRedirects(siteTree.redirects[url]);
return siteTree.urls[url];
crawler.on('data', (data) => {
siteTree.urls[data.url] = data.result.statusCode;
url: data.url,
links: data.result.links,
process.stdout.write(`\r${crawler.countOfProcessedUrls} out of ${crawler.foundLinks.size}`);
if (/30\d/.test(data.result.statusCode) && data.result.links[0].url) siteTree.redirects[data.url] = data.result.links[0].url;
crawler.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
crawler.on('end', () => {
const resultFilePath = `${__dirname}/${domain}.csv`;
fs.writeFileSync(resultFilePath, 'url;href;status\r\n');
siteTree.pages.forEach((page, pageIndex) => {
const urlOfPage = siteTree.pages[pageIndex].url;
siteTree.pages[pageIndex].links.forEach((link, linkIndex) => {
const urlOfLink = siteTree.pages[pageIndex].links[linkIndex].url;
if (urlOfLink) {
const hrefOfLink = siteTree.pages[pageIndex].links[linkIndex].href;
const statusCodeOfLink = (/30\d/.test(siteTree.urls[urlOfLink])) ? getFinalStatusCodeOfRedirects(urlOfLink) : siteTree.urls[urlOfLink];
if (statusCodeOfLink) {
fs.appendFileSync(resultFilePath, `"${urlOfPage}";"${hrefOfLink}";"${statusCodeOfLink}"\r\n`);
console.log(`\r\nFinish! All ${crawler.foundLinks.size} links on pages on domain ${domain} a checked!`);
Download all html-pages from site
Application downloads all the html-pages of the site by sorting them into folders.
node examples/save-pages.js
const fs = require('fs');
const url = require('url');
const Crawler = require('../crawler');
const domain = process.argv[2];
const crawler = new Crawler({
timeout: 500,
crawler.on('data', (data) => {
if (!data.url || !data.result.body) return false;
const urlString = data.url;
const html = data.result.body;
const urlObject = url.parse(urlString);
const pathArray = urlObject.pathname.split('/');
let path = `${__dirname}/${domain}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) fs.mkdirSync(path);
for (let i = 1; i < pathArray.length; i += 1) {
if (i !== pathArray.length - 1) {
path = `${path}/${pathArray[i]}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) fs.mkdirSync(path);
} else {
path = (pathArray[i]) ? `${path}/${pathArray[i].replace(/\.html?$/, '')}` : `${path}/index`;
path = (urlObject.query) ? `${path}-${urlObject.query}.html` : `${path}.html`;
fs.writeFileSync(path, html);
console.log('saved', urlString);
return true;
crawler.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
crawler.on('end', () => console.log(`All pages a saved in folder ${__dirname}/${domain}!`));