Control flow library for nodejs and the browser
###flo.parallel Run several async tasks in paralell and execute a callback when everyone of them is finished. The callback recieves a results array or object depending on the tasks collection type. Returns a promise object that is either failed if a callback receives error, or fulfilled if all passes. Se /classes/Promise docs for reference.
function(callback) {
callback(null, "foo") //when some async task is finished
function(callback) {
callback(null, "bar") //when some async task is finished
function(callback) {
callback(null, "lol") //when some async task is finished
function(results) {
results[0] == "foo" // TRUE
results[1] == "bar" // TRUE
results[2] == "lol" // TRUE
function(err) {
/* this wont get called since all callbacks got null as error param */
Or passing an object as tasks collection:
foo: function(callback) {
callback(null, "bar") //when some async task is finished
lawl: function(callback) {
callback(null, "lol") //when some async task is finished
lorem: function(callback) {
callback(null, "lipsum") //when some async task is finished
function(results) {
results['foo'] == "bar" // TRUE
results['lawl'] == "lol" // TRUE
results['lorem'] == "lipsum" // TRUE
function(err) {
/* this wont get called since all callbacks got null as error param */
###flo.series Runs a set of tasks in series/sequence. Next task wont execute until current task callbacks without error. Largely the same as paralell but in series.
function(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
callback(null, 1)
function(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
callback(null, 2)
function(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
callback(null, 3)
function(results) {
results[0] == 1 // TRUE
results[1] == 2 // TRUE
results[2] == 3 // TRUE
function(error) {
/* this wont get called since all callbacks got null as error param */
###flo.pipeline Runs a set of tasks in series like async.series. But passes arguments received by callback on to the next task.
function(pipe) {
User.getById(1, pipe)
function(user, pipe) {
user.getSubusers(function(err, subusers) {
if(err) pipe(err)
else {
pipe(null, user)
function(user, pipe) {
user.getPosts(function(err, posts) {
if(err) pipe(err)
else {
pipe(null, user)
function(user) {
//Now user instance has loaded subusers and posts.
user.subUsers.render('listview', '#subusers') //Rendering is beyond scope of this lib
user.posts.render('listview', '#posts')
function(error) {
/* this wont get called since all pipe callbacks got null as error param */
##Tests The jasmine test framework is ised to test the code. To run the tests do one of the following:
$ cd flo
$ npm test