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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A simple JavaScript API to control eufy smart light bulbs, switches and plugs.





A simple JavaScript API to control eufy's smart light bulbs, switches and power plugs. Ported from python-lakeside.

This project is not developed, supported or endorsed by eufy.

🛑 Warning: Eufy firmware bug

This package does not work reliable for all devices due to a firmware bug, which means the device will, when receiving a message via your local network, simply close the connection.

There is no known workaround for this problem.

Supported Devices

|Device Code|Device Name|Comment| |--|--|--| |T1201|Smart Plug|| |T1202|Smart Plug Mini|| |T1203|Smart WiFi Plug (UK)|| |T1211|Smart Light Switch|Untested| |T1011|Lumos Smart Bulb - White|| |T1012|Lumos Smart Bulb - Tunable White|Untested| |T1013|Lumos Smart Bulb - White & Color||

All devices listed above should work, since they are supported in python-lakeside. Because an error might have occurred during the porting process, some are marked as untested.

If you own one of these untested, or any new devices that aren't listed, please consider running the command-line interface and open an issue to confirm whether or not they work.

Unsupported Devices

|Device Code|Device Name| |--|--| |T1015|Lumos Smart Bulb - Tunable White| |T1018|Lumos Smart Bulb 2.0 Lite - White & Color|


Homebridge (HomeKit support)

The homebridge-eufy plugin lets you add HomeKit support for your Eufy (and other) devices. Find out further details on the plugin page.

Installation via NPM

Add the node-eufy-api package to your project:

npm install node-eufy-api --save

The package exposes the functions loadDevices and createDevice, as well as several TypeScript interfaces. The API Reference section below contains details about the API.

Command-line Interface

To run the Eufy command-line interface, run the following commands:

# Clone repository to your computer
git clone [email protected]:sebmos/node-eufy-api.git
cd node-eufy-api/
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Build code
npm run build
# Run CLI (usual way)
npm run cli
# Alternative: Run CLI (with verbose logging)
npm run cli:verbose

After authenticating, this command lists all available eufy devices, models, codes & IP addresses and lets you control them.

About eufy API

It is necessary to connect and authenticate with eufy's API to identify the device model, code and IP address. With this information, devices can be controlled directly, without connecting to eufy's API.

Since the devices are controlled through a local socket connection, node-eufy-api needs to run on the same WiFi network as the devices.

What is my device's model, code and IP address?

To identify the devices you have, as well as their models, codes and IP addresses, use the command-line interface or run the loadDevices(email: string, password: string): Promise<Device[]> function.


  • Try restarting (unplugging & replugging) the device.
  • Try pinging the device's IP address from the computer this code is running from.
  • To verify what WiFi network the device is on, look in the device settings in the EufyHome app.

API Reference

loadDevices(email: string, password: string): Promise<Device[]>

Loads devices connected to the provided eufy account.

import { loadDevices } from 'node-eufy-api';

loadDevices("[email protected]", "s3cr3t").then(devices => {
	console.log('Devices loaded:', devices);

createDevice(model: Model | string, code: string, ipAddress: string: name?: string): Device

To create a Device object without authenticating via loadDevices, call the createDevice function.

The device name is optional, but may be useful for users of your app. (loadDevices will use the name set in the eufy app.) If no name is available, it will be auto-generated.

import { createDevice, Model } from 'node-eufy-api';

const powerPlug = createDevice(Model.T1203, 'DEVICE-CODE-FROM-API', '', 'My Power Plug');
const lightBulb = createDevice('T1013', 'DIFFERENT-DEVICE-CODE', '');

getTypeForModel(model: string): DeviceType

Returns the device type from a device model.

import { getTypeForModel, DeviceType } from 'node-eufy-api';

getTypeForModel('T1203') === DeviceType.POWER_PLUG;
getTypeForModel('T1211') === DeviceType.SWITCH;
getTypeForModel('T1013') === DeviceType.LIGHT_BULB;

Device.model: Model, Device.code: string & Device.ipAddress: string

eufy's model number for the device, the device-specific code required to establish a connection to the device, and the IP address, are required to create a Device object without running loadDevices first.

console.log('Model:', powerPlug.model);
console.log('Code:', powerPlug.code);
console.log('IP Address:', powerPlug.ipAddress);

Device.deviceType: DeviceType

The deviceType field is either LIGHT_BULB, POWER_PLUG or SWITCH.

if (powerPlugOrSwitch.deviceType === DeviceType.SWITCH) {
	console.log('This is a switch');
} else {
	console.log('This is a power plug');

Device.on('CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED', handler: (connected: boolean) => void): void

Handler is called each time the connection stops or starts again. It is not necessary call Device.connect() to reconnect, since this will be attempted automatically. Calling Device.disconnect() removes the event handler.

import { DeviceEvent } from 'node-eufy-api';

lightBulb.on(DeviceEvent.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, connected => {
	console.log('Device is ' + (connected ? 'connected' : 'disconnected'));

Device.isConnected(): boolean

Returns whether or not there is an open socket connection to the device.

console.log('The device is currently ' + (lightBulb.isConnected() ? 'connected' : 'disconnected'));

Device.connect(): Promise<void>

Establishes a connection to the device and calls loadCurrentState().

lightBulb.connect().then(() => {
	console.log('Device connected');

Device.disconnect(): Promise<void>

Disconnects the socket connection to the device and removes any CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED event handlers. The socket connection disconnects automatically when the node process stops running.

lightBulb.disconnect().then(() => {
	console.log('The device is now disconnected');

Device.loadCurrentState(): Promise<void>

Refreshes the current state of the device. (Power on/off, light brightness, etc.) It returns a Promise that resolves when the status is updated.

This method is called when the device is connected, and when its state is changed.

lightBulb.loadCurrentState().then(() => {
	console.log('Device state refreshed');

Device.isPowerOn(): boolean

Returns whether or not the light bulb, power plug or switch are on.

console.log('The light is currently ' + (lightBulb.isPowerOn() ? 'on' : 'off'));

Device.setPowerOn(on: boolean): Promise<boolean>

Changes the light bulb/power plug/switch power status. Returns a Promise with the new power state of the device when the change has been confirmed.

switch.setPowerOn(false).then(powerState => {
	console.log('Power is now off');

Device.supportsBrightness(): boolean

To determine whether the device supports setting brightness. Always returns false for power plugs/switches, and always returns true for the currently available light bulbs.

if (lightBulb.supportsBrightness()) {
	console.log('We can change the brightness for this device');

Device.getBrightness(): number

Returns the brightness setting of the light bulb, as a percentage. This method throws an exception if it is not supported.

if (lightBulb.supportsBrightness()) {
	console.log('The current brightness is: ' + lightBulb.getBrightness());

Device.setBrightness(newBrightness: number): Promise<number>

Changes the brightness of the light. The parameter is a percentage value. This method returns a Promise that rejects if changing the brightness isn't supported, and resolves with the new brightness value once the change is confirmed.

if (lightBulb.supportsBrightness()) {
	lightBulb.setBrightness(80).then(newBrightness => {
		console.log('The brightness is now set to:', newBrightness);

Device.supportsTemperature(): boolean

To determine whether the device supports changing the color temperature. Always returns false for power plugs/switches.

if (lightBulb.supportsTemperature()) {
	console.log('We can change the color temperature for this device');

Device.getTemperature(): number

Returns the color temperature setting of the light bulb, as a percentage. This method throws an exception if it is not supported.

if (lightBulb.supportsTemperature()) {
	console.log('The current color temperature is: ' + lightBulb.getTemperature());

Device.setTemperature(newTemperature: number): Promise<number>

Changes the color temperature of the light. The parameter is a percentage value, with 0 being the warmest color and 100 the coldest. This method returns a Promise that rejects if changing the temperature is not supported, and resolves with the new color temperature value once the change is confirmed.

if (lightBulb.supportsTemperature()) {
	lightBulb.setTemperature(80).then(newTemperature => {
		console.log('The color temperature is now set to:', newTemperature);

Device.supportsColors(): boolean

To determine whether the device supports changing its color. Always returns false for power plugs/switches.

if (lightBulb.supportsColors()) {
	console.log('We can change the color for this device');

Device.getRgbColors(): { red: number, green: number, blue: number }

Returns the colors of the light bulb, in three numbers (red, green, blue) between 0 and 255. This method throws an exception if changing the colors are not supported.

if (lightBulb.supportsColors()) {
	console.log('The current red value is: ' + lightBulb.getRgbColors().red);

Device.setRgbColors(red: number, green: number, blue: number): Promise<{ red: number, green: number, blue: number }>

Changes the color of the light. The parameters are numbers between 0 and 255. This method returns a Promise that rejects if changing the color is not supported, and resolves with the new color values once the change is confirmed.

if (lightBulb.supportsColors()) {
	lightBulb.setRgbColors(255, 0, 0).then(newColors => {
		console.log('The color is now red:', newColors);

Device.getHslColors(): { hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number }

Returns the colors of the light bulb, in hue, saturation and lightness - numbers between 0 and 1. This method throws an exception if colors are not supported.

if (lightBulb.supportsColors()) {
	console.log('The saturation of the color is:', lightBulb.getHslColors().saturation.toLocaleString(undefined, { style: 'percent' }));

Device.setHslColors(hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number): Promise<{ hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number }>

Changes the color of the light. The parameters are numbers between 0 and 1. The method returns a Promise that rejects if changing the color is not supported, and resolves with the new color values once the change is confirmed.

if (lightBulb.supportsColors()) {
	lightBulb.setHslColors(0, 1, 0.5).then(newColors => {
		console.log('The color is now red:', newColors);

setLogVerbosity(verbosity: Verbosity): void

Loads devices connected to the provided eufy account.

import { setLogVerbosity, Verbosity } from 'node-eufy-api';

setLogVerbosity(Verbosity.INFO); // used for CLI
setLogVerbosity(Verbosity.ERROR); // used when running homebridge-eufy


  • Energy Reporting
  • Controlling devices remotely/not from within the same WiFi connection