Command line tools for Node.js & Typescript
Command line tools for Node.js & Typescript
Easily generate your command with a string signature. example:
command {arg1} {arg2 : arg2} {--bool-flag} {--A|age=10} description
- command name is omissible when not in group commond
- array-type argument or optional arg must be at last
- option shortcut or name can not be duplicated
import { CommandBuilder } from 'node-cmder'
const signature = '{name} {--bool-flag} {--A|age=10} commanddescription'
.setAction(({ args, options }) => {
console.log(args, options)
then run it
$ node test.js --help
Option parsing
{--bool} // boolean option
{--bool : this is boolean} // option with description
{--B|bool} // option with shortcut
{--version=} // option need value (required)
{--version=10} // option with default value
{--version="has blank"} // option with default value contains blank
{--version?=} // option need value (optional)
{--tags=*} // array option
{--tags?=*} // array option (optional)
Argument parsing
{arg} // arg
{arg : this is arg} // arg with description
{arg?} // optional arg
{arg*} // array arg
{version?=} // option need value (optional)
{tags=*} // array arg
{tags?=*} // array arg (optional)
{arg=10} // arg with default value
{arg="has blank"} // arg with default value contains blank
Option transform and callback
transform age to int
option callback
built-in options
enable by default, generate help automately. call.removeHelpOption()
to disable it or.customHelp()
to customize.---V|version
to print command version , it is disabled by default. call.setVersion(v:string)
to enable it.
Execute command
.execute (argv = process.argv.slice(2))
execute the commond with console.
Note: process will exit automately when action return
return "a never resolve Promise" to prevent, like new Promise(()=>{/**/})
Command Builder
.command(signature: string, action?: Types.Action | undefined): Command;
build a simple commond.groupCommand(): GroupCommand;
build a group commond with can add sub commonds
Command & GroupCommand
run the command. different from.execute
does not handle any Error,suitable for being called by program.execute
handle and print erros to terminal and exit process after action return.
print the help with console.log.getHelpText()
get the help text.addOption()
add the extra option.addArg()
add the extra argument (only Command).mergeOption(name,opt)
set option metasmore api are in Section Interfaces
build command step by step
or .addOption
method does not need {
CommandBuilder.command('test {name : arg}')
.setAction(({ args, options }) => {
console.log(args, options)
accept 2 types argument
print the string instead origin helpfunction
print the ret of function and pass orgin help as first argument
CommandBuilder.command('test {name : arg}')
.customHelp((origin) => {
return origin + `\nExample:\n node test.js joe name 2 -A=20`
.setAction(({ args, options }) => {
console.log(args, options)
group commond
accept a signature and action or commond instance
.addCommand('test1 {name : arg}', ({ args, options }) => {
console.log(args, options)
.addCommand((g) => {
return CommandBuilder.command('test2 {name : arg}')
.setAction(({ args, options }) => {
console.log(args, options)