The most comprehensive beanstalk client for nodejs
npm i node-beanstalk
# or
yarn add node-beanstalk
fully supports
beanstalk protocol v1.12
is built with use of promises.
Each client gives you full access to functionality of beanstalk queue manager, without strict
separation to emitter and worker.
import { Client, BeanstalkJobState } from 'node-beanstalk';
const c = new Client();
// connect to beasntalkd server
await c.connect();
// use our own tube
await c.use('my-own-tube');
// put our very important job
const putJob = await c.put({ foo: "My awsome payload", bar: ["baz", "qux"] }, 40);
if (putJob.state !== BeanstalkJobState.ready) {
// as a result of put command job can done in `buried` state,
// or `delayed` in case delay or client's default delay been specified
throw new Error('job is not in ready state');
// watch our tube to be able to reserve from it
// acquire new job (ideally the one we've just put)
const job = await c.reserveWithTimeout(10);
/* some important job
As beanstalk is pretty fast but still synchronous on a single connection - all consecutive calls will wait for the end of previous one. So below code will be executed consecutively, despite the fact of being asyncronous.
import { Client, BeanstalkJobState } from 'node-beanstalk';
const c = new Client();
await c.connect();
Above code will reserve 5 jobs one by one, in asyncronous way (each next promise will be resolved
one by one).
To see all the Client methods and properties see
Client API docs
To disconnect the client from remote - call client.disconnect()
, it will wait for all the pending
requests to be performed and then disconnect the client from server. All requests queued after
disconnection will be rejected.
To disconnect client immediately - call client.disconnect(true)
, it will perform disconnect right
after currently running request.
Payload serialization
As in most cases our job payloads are complex objets - they somehow must be serialized to Buffer. In general, serialized payload can be any bytes sequence, but by default, payload is serialized via JSON and casted to buffer, but you can specify your own serializer by passing corresponding parameter to client constructor options. Required serializer interface can be found in API docs.
For the cases of being used within webservers when waiting for all previous requests is not an
option - node-beasntalk
Pool exists.
- Connecting new client requires a handshake, which takes some time (around 10-20ms), so creating new client on each incoming request would substantially slow down our application.
- As already being said - each connection can handle only one request at a time. So in case you
application use a single client - all your simultaneous requests will be pipelined into serial
execution queue, one after another, that is really no good (despite of
queue being very fast and low-cost).
Client pool allows you to have a pool af reusable clients you can check out, use, and return back to the pool.
Checkout, use, and return
import { Pool } from 'node-beanstalk';
const p = new Pool({ capacity: 5 });
// acquire our very own client
const client = await p.connect();
try {
// do some work
await client.statsTube('my-own-tube')
} finally {
// return client back to the pool
You must always release client back to the pool, otherwise, at some point, your pool will be empty forever, and your subsequent requests will wait forever.
To disconnect all clients in the pool you have to call pool.disconnect()
This will wait for all pending client reserves and returns to be done. After disconnect executed all
returned clients will be disconnected and not returned to the idle queue. All reserves queued after
disconnection will be rejected.
Force disconnect pool.disconnect(true)
will not wait for pending reserve and start disconnection
immediately (it will still be waiting clients return to the pool) by calling force disconnect on
each client.
is built to be as much tests-covered as it is possible, but not to go nuts with LOC
coverage. It is important to have comprehensive unit-testing to make sure that everything is working
fine, and it is my goal for this package.
It is pretty hard to make real tests for the sockets witch is used in this package, so Connection
class is still at 80% covered with tests, maybe I'll finish it later.