Transparently require() remote contents (node moudles) in webpack !
remote contents (node moudles) in webpack !
npm install --save node-async-require-loader
Fetch the remote contnets (node module) by http GET and build codes in webpack.
I made up the file with .ajs
- Only for the loader to recognize the file.
- The file contents is a node moudle that provides a remote url.
module.exports = {
remoteUrl : ""
- webpack will fetch the contents by the remote url to build codes.
- Provid the
config for parsing remote contents before webpack compiles. - Privde the
config for fetching diffrent remote contents. - Provide the
for react-templates! - How about isomorphic
on server-side ? We got node-async-require for it !
Basic Usage
Fetch the remote contnets (node module) by http GET and build codes in webpack.
- Intsall this module
npm install --save node-async-require-loader
- Use directly in the js file. (Not recommed)
- Or Set up in the webpack.config.js
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.ajs$/,
loader: "node-async-require-loader"
You may wondering what '.ajs' file is. The file contents of the
file is a node moudle providing a remote url. The remote url that provides contents(node moudle). The.ajs
extention is only for the loader to recognize the file.
Example for Basic Usage
Step 1. Provide an .ajs file
The file contents of the .ajs
file is a node moudle providing a remote url.
Write down the remote url that provides contents(node moudle).
The following is the exmaple of .ajs file.
module.exports = {
remoteUrl: ""
the contnets from the remote url are:
module.exports=function(){ console.log("Hello World From Web"); };
It's a node moudle.
Step 2. Set up the webpack.config.js
We set up the config so that the loader will load the .ajs file and fetch the remote node moudle.
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.ajs$/,
loader: "node-async-require-loader"
Step 3. Done
Then the webpack will fetch the remote contents and build the codes for you!
You can see examples/example01
in codes for more detials.
Usage with queryString
In some cases, the fixed remote url is not good. You may need to add queryString to fetch diffrent remote contents (node moudle).
- Use queryString directly in the js file. (Not recommed)
Use thesigle quote
for the querString that you added.
- Or Set up in the webpack.config.js
Use thesigle quote
for the querString that you added.
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.ajs$/,
loader: "node-async-require-loader?queryString='en'"
Example for using queryString
Step 1. Provide an .ajs file
The file contents of the .ajs
file is a node moudle providing a remote url.
Write down the remote url that provides contents(node moudle).
The following is the exmaple of .ajs file.
module.exports = {
remoteUrl: ""
When webpack start to run, the queryString you set will automatically append to the end of the url. With the queryString, the actual url we fetch is
//the queryString `en` is appended
So the contents will be the new url's contents
module.exports=function(){ console.log("Hello USA From Web"); };
It's a node moudle.
Step 2. Set up the webpack.config.js
Use the sigle quote
for the querString that you added.
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.ajs$/,
loader: "node-async-require-loader?queryString='en'"
Step 3. Done
Then the webpack will fetch the remote contents and build the codes for you!
You can see examples/example03
in codes for more detials.
Usage with preParser
In some cases, the remote contents you fetch may not be a pure node moudle
. You need a parser to do some stuffs before webpack compiles it. So you can set up a preParser for the remote contents.
module.exports = {
NodeAsycRequirePreParser: {
anyNameYouWant: function(remoteRawContent) {
// replace by your own contents
remoteRawContent = "module.exports=function(){ console.log('Replaceed by custom preParser!');}";
return remoteRawContent;
Example with preParser
Step 1. Provide an .ajs file
The file contents of the .ajs
file is a node moudle providing a remote url.
Write down the remote url that provides contents(node moudle).
The following is the exmaple of .ajs file.
module.exports = {
remoteUrl: ""
Step 2. Write down your own the preParser in webpack.config.js
The fetched contents will be passed to the preParser you write (in this example, it will be anyNameYouWant
) before webpack compiles it.
module.exports = {
NodeAsycRequirePreParser: {
anyNameYouWant: function(remoteRawContent) {
// replace by your own contents
remoteRawContent = "module.exports=function(){ console.log('Replaceed by custom preParser!');}";
return remoteRawContent;
After the fetched contents are parsed by PreParser. The new contents will be
module.exports=function(){ console.log('Replaceed by custom preParser!');}
It's a new node moudle.
Step 3. Set up the preParser in webpack.config.js
To use the preParser that you added, set the preParser=anyNameYouWant
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.ajs$/,
loader: "node-async-require-loader?preParser=anyNameYouWant"
Step 3. Done
Then the webpack will fetch the remote contents and build the codes for you!
You can see examples/example05
in codes for more detials.
Usage with preParser (React templates)
We provide a preparser for pasing react-templates contents.
You can use it by setting the preParser=rt
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.ajs$/,
loader: "node-async-require-loader?preParser=rt"
Example with preParser (React templates)
Step 1. Provide an .ajs file
The file contents of the .ajs
file is a node moudle providing a remote url.
Write down the remote url that provides contents(node moudle).
The following is the exmaple of .ajs file.
module.exports = {
remoteUrl: ""
the contnets from the remote url are:
<h3>Hello World Form Web</h3>
It is a react-template.
Step 2. Set up the preParser in webpack.config.js
To use React Teamplates parser, set the preParser=rt
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.ajs$/,
loader: "node-async-require-loader?preParser=rt"
The react-template preParser will parse the contents to pure node moudle before webpack compiles.
Step 3. Done
Then the webpack will fetch the remote contents and build the codes for you!
You can see examples/example02
in codes for more detials.
Example for using local file
Step 1. Provide an new .ajs file
Add local path to ajs file
module.exports = {
remoteUrl: "",
localPath: './examples/example06--usage-with-local/test.txt'
the contnets in the test.txt are:
module.exports=function(){ console.log("Hello World From Local"); }
It's a node moudle.
Step 2. Set up the webpack.config.js
We set up the config ?async=false
so that the loader will load the .ajs file and fetch the local node moudle via localPath
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.ajs$/,
loader: "node-async-require-loader?async=false"
Step 3. Live reload Settiing
Because this module hijacks the webpack's build proccess, so the local file you used will not be watched by webpack. If you want to let your local file be watched and do live reload by webpack. You need to do the following settings.
npm install watchfile-webpack-plugin --save
var watchFilePlugin = require("watchfile-webpack-plugin");
plugins: [
new watchFilePlugin({watchFolder: "./", watchExtension: "rt"})
Step 4. Done
Then the webpack will get local file content and build the codes for you!
You can see examples/example06
and examples/example07
in codes for more detials, it also work fine with react templates.
Use the command to run the mocha test.
npm test
The test tagets are in the examples/