A Node module that supports the use of Akeneo PIM's Web API
A NodeJS module that supports the use of Akeneo PIM's Web API
This module supports Akeneo PIM Web API for Akeneo PIM 3.2 through 6.0+. It has been in use since 2019 in the node-akeneo integration framework: [] (url)
1.6.0 - [] (url)
1.6.1 - Override protocol returned from Akeneo API on GET
1.6.13 - Log errors during the import of product models, and products.
1.6.18 - Ramy added function setBaseUrl().
Donald Bales [email protected]
ramykl [email protected]
Using npm:
$ npm i --save node-akeneo-api
Environment Variables
You need to set these environment variables:
AKENEO_BASE_URL default 'http://akeneo-pimee.local:8080'
AKENEO_TOKEN_URL default '/api/oauth/v1/token'
LOG_LEVEL default 'info'
Client ID, Secret, Username, and Password are supplied in Akeneo PIM Connections screen after you create a connection.
When you set the LOG_LEVEL to debug, in addition to more logging detail, the HTTP methods save their raw responses to a file named after the method.
Getting Started
Here's the corresponding Akeneo PIM Web API documentation:
import * as akeneo from 'node-akeneo-api';
let results: any[] = [];
try {
// get products updated after 2022-01-01
results = await akeneo.get(
`${akeneo.apiUrlProducts()}?pagination_type=search_after` +
`&search={"updated":[{"operator":">","value":"2022-01-01 00:00:00"}]}`);
} catch (err) {
// handle any errors...
I suggest you examine the export and import functions in the source code for examples:
I also suggest you run each export function so you have data files with samples of the formatted JSON for each Akeneo PIM entity.
This module was written in Typescript, so all my documentation and examples are in Typescript too. By default, node-akeneo-api uses Bunyan for a logger.
These exported constants may be used in an Javascript objects you create.
// Catalog
export const AKENEO_CATEGORIES: string = 'categories';
export const AKENEO_REFERENCE_ENTITY: string = 'akeneo_reference_entity';
export const AKENEO_REFERENCE_ENTITY_COLLECTION: string = 'akeneo_reference_entity_collection';
export const PIM_CATALOG_ASSET_COLLECTION: string = 'pim_catalog_asset_collection';
export const PIM_CATALOG_BOOLEAN: string = 'pim_catalog_boolean';
export const PIM_CATALOG_DATE: string = 'pim_catalog_date';
export const PIM_CATALOG_FILE: string = 'pim_catalog_file';
export const PIM_CATALOG_IDENTIFIER: string = 'pim_catalog_identifier';
export const PIM_CATALOG_IMAGE: string = 'pim_catalog_image';
export const PIM_CATALOG_METRIC: string = 'pim_catalog_metric';
export const PIM_CATALOG_MULTISELECT: string = 'pim_catalog_multiselect';
export const PIM_CATALOG_NUMBER: string = 'pim_catalog_number';
export const PIM_CATALOG_PRICE_COLLECTION: string = 'pim_catalog_price_collection';
export const PIM_CATALOG_SIMPLESELECT: string = 'pim_catalog_simpleselect';
export const PIM_CATALOG_TABLE: string = 'pim_catalog_table'; // (EE only)
export const PIM_CATALOG_TEXT: string = 'pim_catalog_text';
export const PIM_CATALOG_TEXTAREA: string = 'pim_catalog_textarea';
export const PIM_REFERENCE_DATA_MULTISELECT: string = 'pim_reference_data_multiselect';
export const PIM_REFERENCE_DATA_SIMPLESELECT: string = 'pim_reference_data_simpleselect';
export const ATTRIBUTE_TYPES: Set<string> = new Set([
PIM_CATALOG_IDENTIFIER, // there can be only one identifier
// Reference Entities (only avaialable in the enterprise edition)
export const REFERENCE_ENTITY_IMAGE: string = 'image';
export const REFERENCE_ENTITY_MULTIPLE_OPTIONS: string = 'multiple_options';
export const REFERENCE_ENTITY_NUMBER: string = 'number';
export const REFERENCE_ENTITY_MULTIPLE_LINKS: string = 'reference_entity_multiple_links';
export const REFERENCE_ENTITY_SINGLE_LINK: string = 'reference_entity_single_link';
export const REFERENCE_ENTITY_SINGLE_OPTION: string = 'single_option';
export const REFERENCE_ENTITY_TEXT: string = 'text';
// Yes, I know, there isn't a textarea type, it's text + textarea boolean, but I need to differentiate
export const REFERENCE_ENTITY_TEXTAREA: string = 'textarea';
// Asset Families (only avaialable in the enterprise edition)
export const ASSET_FAMILY_MEDIA_FILE: string = 'media_file';
export const ASSET_FAMILY_MEDIA_LINK: string = 'media_link';
export const ASSET_FAMILY_MULTIPLE_OPTIONS: string = 'multiple_options';
export const ASSET_FAMILY_NUMBER: string = 'number';
export const ASSET_FAMILY_SINGLE_OPTION: string = 'single_option';
export const ASSET_FAMILY_TEXT: string = 'text';
// Yes, I know, there isn't a textarea type, it's text + textarea boolean, but I need to differentiate
export const ASSET_FAMILY_TEXTAREA: string = 'textarea'
These exported variables are used as default values for filenames in the utility export and import functions. You can override their values.
// Catalog
export let filenameAssociationTypes: string = 'associationTypes.vac';
export let filenameAttributes: string = 'attributes.vac';
export let filenameAttributeGroups: string = 'attributeGroups.vac';
export let filenameAttributeOptions: string = 'attributeOptions.vac';
export let filenameCategories: string = 'categories.vac';
export let filenameChannels: string = 'channels.vac';
export let filenameCurrencies: string = 'currencies.vac';
export let filenameFamilies: string = 'families.vac';
export let filenameFamilyVariants: string = 'familyVariants.vac';
export let filenameLocales: string = 'locales.vac';
export let filenameMeasureFamilies: string = 'measureFamilies.vac';
export let filenameProducts: string = 'products.vac';
export let filenameProductModels: string = 'productModels.vac';
// Reference Entities (only avaialable in the enterprise edition)
export let filenameReferenceEntities: string = 'referenceEntities.vac';
export let filenameReferenceEntityAttributes: string = 'referenceEntityAttributes.vac';
export let filenameReferenceEntityAttributeOptions: string = 'referenceEntityAttributeOptions.vac';
export let filenameReferenceEntityRecords: string = 'referenceEntityRecords.vac';
// Asset Families (only avaialable in the enterprise edition)
export let filenameAssetFamilies: string = 'assetFamilies.vac';
export let filenameAssetFamilyAttributes: string = 'assetFamilyAttributes.vac';
export let filenameAssetFamilyAttributeOptions: string = 'assetFamilyAttributeOptions.vac';
export let filenameAssetFamilyAssets: string = 'assetFamilyAssets.vac';
// v3 PAM
export let filenameAssets: string = 'assets.vac';
export let filenameAssetCategories: string = 'assetCategories.vac';
export let filenameAssetReferenceFiles: string = 'assetReferenceFiles.vac';
export let filenameAssetTags: string = 'assetTags.vac';
export let filenameAssetVariationFiles: string = 'assetVariationFiles.vac';
// end of v3
Help Functions
// File System
export function close(fd: number): Promise<boolean>;
export function mkdir(path: string): Promise<boolean>;
export function open(path: string, flags: string = 'r'): Promise<number>;
export function read(path: string): Promise<Buffer>;
export function stat(path: string): Promise<boolean>;
export function symlink(target: string, path: string, type: any = 'dir'): Promise<boolean>;
export function unlink(path: string): Promise<boolean>;
export function write(fileDescriptor: number, buffer: Buffer): Promise<number>;
// Codifiers
// These utility functions take a GUID or Label and turn them into
// valid ASCII code value for use in Akeneo PIM Catalog objects
export function assetCode(name: string): string;
export function attributeCode(name: string): string;
export function attributeLabel(property: string): string;
export function fileCode(name: string): string;
export function referenceEntityCode(name: string): string;
export function urlCode(name: string): string;
// Remove enclosing double quoutes from a label
export function deQuote(property: string): string;
// Given an array of directory names, create the tree on the file system
export function mkdirs(dirParts: string[]): string;
// If pass in the last optional parameter these return a URL for: GET, or POST, one object
// otherwise these return a URL for: GET, or PATCH all objects
// Catalog API URLs
export function apiUrlAssociationTypes(code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlAttributes(code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlAttributeGroups(code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlAttributeOptions(attributeCode: string, code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlCategories(code: string = ''): string
export function apiUrlFamilies(code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlFamilyVariants(familyCode: string, code: string = ''): string;
// Product API URLs
export function apiUrlProducts(identifier: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlProductMediaFiles(code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlProductModels(code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlPublishedProducts(code: string = ''): string;
// Target Market URLs
export function apiUrlChannels(code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlCurrencies(code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlLocales(code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlMeasureFamilies(code: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlMeasurementFamilies(): string;
// Reference Entities (only avaialable in the enterprise edition)
export function apiUrlReferenceEntities(
referenceEntityCode: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlReferenceEntityAttributes(
referenceEntityCode: string,
referenceEntityAttributeCode: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlReferenceEntityAttributeOptions(
referenceEntityCode: string,
referenceEntityAttributeCode: string,
referenceEntityAttributeOptionCode: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlReferenceEntityRecords(
referenceEntityCode: string,
referenceEntityRecordCode: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlReferenceEntityMediaFiles(
referenceEntityMediaFileCode: string = ''): string;
// Asset Families (only avaialable in the enterprise edition)
export function apiUrlAssetFamilies(
assetFamilyCode: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlAssetFamilyAttributes(
assetFamilyCode: string,
assetFamilyAttributeCode: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlAssetFamilyAttributeOptions(
assetFamilyCode: string,
assetFamilyAttributeCode: string,
assetFamilyAttributeOptionCode: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlAssetFamilyMediaFiles(
assetFamilyAssetCode: string = ''): string;
export function apiUrlAssetFamilyAssets(
assetFamilyCode: string,
assetFamilyAssetCode: string = ''): string;
// v3 PAM
export function apiUrlAssets(): string;
export function apiUrlAssetCategories(): string;
export function apiUrlAssetReferenceFiles(assetCode: string, localeCode: string): string;
export function apiUrlAssetTags(): string;
export function apiUrlAssetVariationFiles(assetCode: string, channelCode: string, localeCode: string): string;
// DELETE an object
// This returns the JSON reponse from the Akeneo PIM Web API as an object
// delete is a reserved word
export async function delete_(apiUrl: string, data: any): Promise<any>;
// GET one or more objects
// This returns an array of objects
export async function get(apiUrl: string, callback: any = null): Promise<any>;
// PATCH (update) one object
// This returns the JSON reponse from the Akeneo PIM Web API as an object
export async function patch(apiUrl: string, data: any): Promise<any>;
// PATCH Vendor Akeneo Collection (VAC), aka ndjson
// Pass in an array of objects, it creates what is now called and newline delimted (nd) JSON
// string in order to batch update objects
// This returns the JSON reponse from the Akeneo PIM Web API as an object
export async function patchVndAkeneoCollection(apiUrl: string, docs: any[]): Promise<any>;
// POST (create) an object
// This returns the JSON reponse from the Akeneo PIM Web API as an object
export async function post(apiUrl: string, data: string): Promise<any>;
// POST (upload) a file
// This returns the JSON reponse from the Akeneo PIM Web API as an object
export async function postMultipartFormData(apiUrl: string, stream: fs.ReadStream): Promise<any>;
Utility Functions
The following functions export entity data from Akeneo PIM saving the data in Vendor Akeneo Collection (vac) aka ndjson files:
// Catalog
export async function exportAssociationTypes(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportAttributes(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportAttributeGroups(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportAttributeOptions(attributeCode: string): Promise<any>;
export async function exportCategories(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportChannels(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportCurrencies(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportFamilies(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportFamilyVariants(familyCode: string): Promise<any>;
export async function exportLocales(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportMeasureFamilies(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportProducts(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportProductModels(): Promise<any>;
// Reference Entities (only avaialable in the enterprise edition)
export async function exportReferenceEntities(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportReferenceEntityAttributeOptions(
referenceEntityCode: string,
attributeCode: string): Promise<any>;
export async function exportReferenceEntityAttributes(referenceEntityCode: string): Promise<any>;
export async function exportReferenceEntityRecords(referenceEntityCode: string): Promise<any>;
// Asset Families (only avaialable in the enterprise edition)
export async function exportAssetFamilies(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportAssetFamilyAssets(assetFamilyCode: string): Promise<any>;
export async function exportAssetFamilyAttributeOptions(
assetFamilyCode: string,
attributeCode: string): Promise<any>;
export async function exportAssetFamilyAttributes(assetFamilyCode: string): Promise<any>;
// v3 PAM
export async function exportAssets(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportAssetCategories(): Promise<any>;
export async function exportAssetTags(): Promise<any>;
The following functions import entity data saved as vac files into Akeneo PIM:
// Catalog
export async function importAssociationTypes(): Promise<any>;
export async function importAttributes(): Promise<any>;
export async function importAttributeGroups(): Promise<any>;
export async function importAttributeOptions(): Promise<any>;
export async function importCategories(): Promise<any>;
export async function importChannels(): Promise<any>;
export async function importCurrencies(): Promise<any>;
export async function importFamilies(): Promise<any>;
export async function importFamilyVariants(): Promise<any>;
export async function importLocales(): Promise<any>;
export async function importMeasureFamilies(): Promise<any>;
export async function importProducts(): Promise<any>;
export async function importProductModels(): Promise<any>;
// Reference Entities (only avaialable in the enterprise edition)
export async function importReferenceEntities(): Promise<any>;
export async function importReferenceEntityAttributeOptions(): Promise<any>;
export async function importReferenceEntityAttributes(): Promise<any>;
export async function importReferenceEntityMediaFiles(
referenceEntityCode: string,
data: any[]): Promise<any[]>;
export async function importReferenceEntityRecords(): Promise<any>;
// Asset Families (only avaialable in the enterprise edition)
export async function importAssetFamilies(): Promise<any>;
export async function importAssetFamilyAssets(): Promise<any>;
export async function importAssetFamilyAttributeOptions(): Promise<any>;
export async function importAssetFamilyAttributes(): Promise<any>;
export async function importAssetFamilyMediaFiles(
assetFamilyCode: string,
data: any[]): Promise<any[]>;
Supports Node versions 12+.
I know full well that some people consider publishing the generated Javascript code for Typescript a bad practice, but not everyone knows Typescript. So yes, I'm bad.
Feel free to email [email protected] with and complaints, questions, and suggestions.