Register a generator to Plop for setting up well-inspected GitHub rulesets
frees developers from human errors in Git operations by leveraging well-inspected GitHub rulesets.
is integrated with PLOP, a "micro-generator framework," and provides three main functionalities:
- (out-of-the-box) Built-In PLOP to set up well-inspected GitHub rulesets
- Register a
generator in your PLOP - Customize GitHub rulesets and register them in your PLOP
$ npm install -g no-more-git-oops
If you are not familiar with PLOP, a quick read of the overview and custom action sections will help you understand the rest of the story.
Built-In PLOP
The Built-In PLOP sets up GitHub rulesets via interactive prompts.
$ nmgoops
? [PLOP] Please choose a generator. (Use arrow keys)
❯ github-rulesets-basic - set up GitHub branch rulesets
github-rulesets-advanced - set up GitHub branch and tag rulesets
provide two pattern of GitHub rulesests. These rulesets will are the following rules (bold indicates customizable options via interactive prompts):
Basic rulesets:
- Pushing to the protected branches require Pull Request (direct push are not allowed).
- The Pull Request must have at least two review approvals from someone other than the person who pushed the head branch.
- The approval must come from someone defined in CODEOWNERS.
- If the head branch is updated after approval, the previous approval will be reset (re-review is required).
- All discussions in the Pull Request must be resolved.
- The required status checks must pass.
- Only allowed Organization Roles can merge the Pull Request.
- Deleting or force-pushing to the protected branches is prohibited.
- Pull Request merges must enforce a linear history (Squash or Rebase).
Advanced rulesets:
- Same as the basic rules.
- CRUD operations on Git tags are only allowed via GitHub Apps (for integration with release-please flow).
See my blog post for details. (Japanese only)
If you want a faster setup, consider bypassing prompts in PLOP to provide answers directly.
$ nmgoops github-rulesets-basic -- \
--repository <ower>/<repository> \
--gitHubApiUrl "" \
--bearerToken <youru-token> \
--requiredApprovingReviewCount 2 \
--branchesCommaSeparated 'main,release/**' \
--statusCheckCommaSeparated ci \
--bypassRoles 0 --bypassRoles 1
Register no-more-git-oops
generator to your PLOP
You can register no-more-git-oops
in your PLOP.
// plopfile.mjs
import {setGitHubRulesetsGeneratorToPlop} from 'no-more-git-oops';
export default async function (plop) {
// your generator
plop.setGenerator('next-controller', {
description: 'application controller logic',
prompts: [{
type: 'input',
name: 'name',
message: 'controller name please'
actions: [{
type: 'add',
path: 'src/{{name}}.js',
templateFile: 'plop-templates/controller.hbs'
// register no-more-git-oops generator
await setGitHubRulesetsGeneratorToPlop(
// generator name of basic rulesets
// generator name of advanced rulesets
Then, execute your PLOP using the following command:
? [PLOP] Please choose a generator. (Use arrow keys)
❯ next-controller - application controller logic
basic-github-rulesets - setup GitHub branch rulesets
advaced-github-rulesets - setup GitHub branch and tag rulesets
Customize GitHub rulesets and register them in your PLOP
also allows you to fully customize GitHub rulesets to meet your specific requirements using the setActionType API of PLOP.
// plopfile.mjs
import {setGitHubRulesetActionToPlop} from 'no-more-git-oops';
export default function (plop) {
// set no-more-git-oops actions setActonType
setGitHubRulesetActionToPlop('github-rulesets', plop);
plop.setGenerator('my-github-rulesets', {
prompts: [
type: 'input',
name: 'repository',
type: 'password',
name: 'bearerToken',
mask: true,
actions: [
type: 'github-rulesets',
requestParamsTemleateDirs: [
bearerToken: '{{bearerToken}}',
repository: '{{repository}}',
targetBranches: ['main'],
The github-rulesets-templates
folder will have the following structure:
├── all-users-rules.json.hbs
└── branch-exclude-core-contributors-rules.json.hbs
traverse json.hbs under specified template directories, then separately set rulesets one by one.
Please implement based on well-inspected rulesets as a reference.
Common Questions
What should I use for the bearerToken to authenticate GitHub?
We recommend using classic personal access tokens (PAT) for their simplicity. The PAT requires the following permissions: