Library for chatting with NMDC servers.
This package provides an object allowing you to chat on an NMDC hub server, such as PtokaX.
Sample code
var hub = new require("nmdc").Nmdc({
address: "",
auto_reconnect: true
hub.onConnect = function() {
hub.say('Hi everyone!');
hub.onPublic = function(user, message) {
if (user != hub.opts.nick) {
hub.say(user + ' just said ' + message);
API reference
var opts = {
address: '', // Connection address
port: 411, // Connection port
tls: false, // TLS (set true for NMDCS)
password: '', // Password, if required for nick
auto_reconnect: false, // Attempt reconnect if disconnected (60 seconds)
encoding: 'utf8', // Hub text encoding
nick: 'nmdc.js_user', // Your nick
desc: '', // Your description
tag: "nmdc.js", // Your tag
clientVersion: "1.0", // Your client version
share: 0, // Your share size
follow_redirects: false, // Follow $ForceMove commands
ignore_chat_failures: false // Swallow exceptions in .say() and .pm()
shouldInstantConnect: true // Connect after object construction
Supply replacements to the above default options by passing a key-value map in the same format, as the first argument to the Nmdc constructor:
var hub = new Nmdc([options, [onConnect]]);
hub.onConnect = function(); // Connected and ready to chat
hub.onSystem = function(message);
hub.onPublic = function(username, message); // Message appeared in main chat
hub.onPrivate = function(username, message); // Recieved a private message
hub.onUserJoin = function(username);
hub.onUserPart = function(username);
hub.onUserUpdate = function(username); // Updated MyINFO for user
hub.onDebug = function(message);
hub.onClosed = function();
hub.onStateChange = function(state); // Passed an Nmdc.prototype.STATE_* constant
hub.onHubNameChange = function(name);
hub.onUserCommand = function(type, context, title, raw);
Replace any of the above functions in your object to handle events.
hub.hubName; // The currently connected hub's name
hub.opts; // The options used to connect with
hub.users = { // A list of all connected hub users.
'user_nick': {
'nick' : 'user_nick',
'desc' : '',
'tag' : '',
'share': '0',