Atomic JSS Library
⚛⚛⚛ nlv-atomic-styled ⚛⚛⚛
nlv-atomic-styled The class AtomicStyled is a helper class that generates CSS styles for specific HTML elements based on the atomic design methodology. This methodology involves breaking down UI components into smaller, reusable building blocks called atoms, and then combining them to create more complex molecules, organisms, and templates.
👷👷👷 Installation 👷👷👷
nlv-atomic-styled is available on npm/nlv-atomic-styled
npm intall --save nlv-atomic-styled
🚀🚀🚀 Usage 🚀🚀🚀
import React from 'react';
import {setupStyles, classes} from './AtomicStyled';
const stylesArg = {
fontLarge: {
fontSize: '80px',
const colorArg = {
primary: '#167ffb',
secondary: '#6b757d',
success: '#169588',
info: '#9577ca',
warning: '#f37b22',
danger: '#d23235',
light: '#d0d8dc',
dark: '#343a3f',
black: '#000000',
white: '#ffffff',
const breakpoingArg = {
xs: 0,
sm: 600,
md: 960,
lg: 1280,
xl: 1440,
setupStyles(stylesArg, colorsArg, breakpointsArg)
const App = () => {
'dFlex', => display: flex
'alignItemsCenter', => align-items: center
'justifyContentCenter', => justify-content: center
'gap15px', => gap : 15px
'fontLarge', => font-size: 80px
'colorDanger', => color: #d23235
'border1px', => border: 1px solid
'borderColorPrimary', => border-color: #167ffb
'borderRound', => border-radius: 50%
This is example of nlv-atomic-styled
📄📄📄 Default classes 📄📄📄
ClassName rules:
[property][value][unit || ''] ( Camel case 🐪🐪🐪 )
unit :["px", "vw", "vh"] (Default unit: %)
dFlex = display : flex
mr **[i]** = margin-right: **[i]** %
- w [i] vw: { width: ' [i] vw' },
- w [i] px: { width: ' [i] px' },
- w [i] : { width: ' [i] %' },
- h [i] vh: { height: ' [i] vh' },
- h [i] px: { height: ' [i] px' },
- h [i] : { height: ' [i] %' },
- p [i] px: { padding: ' [i] px' },
- p [i] : { padding: ' [i] %' },
- pt [i] px: { paddingTop: ' [i] px' },
- pt [i] : { paddingTop: ' [i] %' },
- pl [i] px: { paddingLeft: ' [i] px' },
- pl [i] : { paddingLeft: ' [i] %' },
- pr [i] px: { paddingRight: ' [i] px' },
- pr [i] : { paddingRight: ' [i] %' },
- pb [i] px: { paddingBottom: ' [i] px' },
- pb [i] : { paddingBottom: ' [i] %' },
- m [i] px: { margin: ' [i] px' },
- m [i] : { margin: ' [i] %' },
- mt [i] px: { marginTop: ' [i] px' },
- mt [i] : { marginTop: ' [i] %' },
- ml [i] px: { marginTop: ' [i] px' },
- ml [i] : { marginTop: ' [i] %' },
- mr [i] px: { marginRight: ' [i] px' },
- mr [i] : { marginRight: ' [i] %' },
- mb [i] px: { marginBottom: ' [i] px' },
- mb [i] : { marginBottom: ' [i] %' },
- gap [i] px: { gap: ' [i] px' },
- top [i] px: { top: ' [i] px' },
- left [i] px: { left: ' [i] px' },
- right [i] px: { right: ' [i] px' },
- bottom [i] px: { bottom: ' [i] px' },
- top [i] : { top: ' [i] %' },
- left [i] : { left: ' [i] %' },
- right [i] : { right: ' [i] %' },
- bottom [i] : { bottom: ' [i] %' },
- border [i] px: { border: ' [i] px solid' },
- borderTop [i] px: { borderTop: ' [i] px solid' },
- borderLeft [i] px: { borderLeft: ' [i] px solid' },
- borderRight [i] px: { borderRight: ' [i] px solid' },
- borderBottom [i] px: { borderBottom: ' [i] px solid' },
- borderRadius [i] px: { borderRadius: ' [i] px' },
- borderTopLeftRadius [i] px: { borderTopLeftRadius: ' [i] px' },
- borderTopRightRadius [i] px: { borderTopRightRadius: ' [i] px' },
- borderBottomLeftRadius [i] px: { borderBottomLeftRadius: ' [i] px' },
- borderBottomRightRadius [i] px: { borderBottomRightRadius: ' [i] px' },
- maxH [i] : { maxHeight: ' [i] %' },
- maxH [i] vh: { maxHeight: ' [i] vh' },
- maxW [i] : { maxWidth: ' [i] %' },
- maxW [i] vw: { maxWidth: ' [i] vw' },
- posAbsolute: { position: 'absolute' }
- posRelative: { position: 'relative' }
- posFixed: { position: 'fixed' }
- posStatic: { position: 'static' }
- posUnset: { position: 'unset' }
- posSticky: { position: 'sticky' }
- dFlex: { display: 'flex' }
- dBlock: { display: 'block' }
- dInline: { display: 'inline' }
- dInlineBlock: { display: 'inline-block' }
- dNone: { display: 'none' }
- dUnset: { display: 'unset' }
- dGrid: { display: 'grid' }
- justifyContentStart: { justifyContent: 'flex-start' }
- justifyContentEnd: { justifyContent: 'flex-end' }
- justifyContentCenter: { justifyContent: 'center' }
- justifyContentBetween: { justifyContent: 'space-between' }
- justifyContentAround: { justifyContent: 'space-around' }
- justifyContentEvenly: { justifyContent: 'space-evenly' }
- alignItemsStart: { alignItems: 'flex-start' }
- alignItemsEnd: { alignItems: 'flex-end' }
- alignItemsCenter: { alignItems: 'center' }
- alignItemsBaseline: { alignItems: 'baseline' }
- alignItemsStretch: { alignItems: 'stretch' }
- alignContentStart: { alignContent: 'flex-start' }
- alignContentEnd: { alignContent: 'flex-end' }
- alignContentCenter: { alignContent: 'center' }
- alignContentBetween: { alignContent: 'space-between' }
- alignContentAround: { alignContent: 'space-around' }
- alignContentStretch: { alignContent: 'stretch' }
- borderNone: { border: 'none' }
- borderRound: { borderRadius: '50%' }
- flexWrap: { flexWrap: 'wrap' }
- flexWrapReverse: { flexWrap: 'wrap-reverse' }
- flexWrapNoWrap: { flexWrap: 'nowrap' }
- flexDirectionRow: { flexDirection: 'row' }
- flexDirectionRowReverse: { flexDirection: 'row-reverse' }
- flexDirectionColumn: { flexDirection: 'column' }
- flexDirectionColumnReverse: { flexDirection: 'column-reverse' }
- flexGrow: { flexGrow: '1' }
- flexShrink: { flexShrink: '1' }
- fontSmall: { fontSize: '12px' }
- fontMedium: { fontSize: '16px' }
- fontLarge: { fontSize: '24px' }
- fontXLarge: { fontSize: '32px' }